Bakuretsu Hunters Titles Anime Animation
Bakuretsu Hunters is a fantasy/comedy/dramatic anime based on a manga by the same name.
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: B: Bakuretsu Hunters
See Also:
- Marron No Den'u - Character shrines, images, multimedia, merchandise and links.
- Bakaretsu Hunters - Contains series images.
- The Bakuretsu Hunters Fan Symposium - Fan works submitted by visitors.
- Sorcerer Hunters Cabana - Fan fiction, character profiles, and episode reviews.
- Bakuretsu Hunters: Sorcerer Lair - Character information and scans, and fan art.
- AAW: Sorcerer Hunters Review - Review and snapshots.
- Bakuretsu Hunters Webring - Ring and member services.
- Smashed Ice - Sorcerer Hunters - Contains character and episode information, links and images.
- Bakuretsu Hunter's Realm - Contains series images.
- Sorcerer Hunters - Contains series images.
- Apricot - Who is, images, general information and links.
- Little Red Riding Hood - Character shrine to Tira Misu with profile, relationship b analysis, quotations, titles and name explanation.
- Dilando's Bakurestu Hunters Page - Contains character descriptions and information.
- Sorcerer Hunter/Bakuretsu Hunter Gallery - Contains fan art, screenshots and scans.
- Megasus' Marron-san Page - Images, webring and links.
- Carrot's Bakuretsu Hunter Page - Image gallery, information and links.
- Bakuretsu Hunters: A Continued Legacy - Images, character profiles, episode guide, movie clips, sound clips, and music.
- Hunters of Love and Evil - Character profiles and image galleries.
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