Roleplaying Digimon Titles Anime
Sites that offer Digimon-based RPGs.
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: D: Digimon: Roleplaying
See Also:
- Digimon RPG - RPG based on the Digimon TV show.
- Digimon Forum RP - Forum based Digimon role-playing site.
- The Digimon 02 RPG - EZBoard based RPG with battles and sidequests.
- The Digital Heaven RPG - A Digimon RPG featuring original characters. Site has roleplaying an archive of previous seasons.
- Data Decided - Invision board based Digimon RPG.
- Digimon - Board based RPG where you battle players to digimon take control of the Digital World.
- Deciding Factors - Story-based RPG that includes 02 and fan created characters.
- Gifts of Nascian: A Digimon RPG - A play-by-email RPG based loosely off concepts from d the first d two seasons of Digimon. Uses original d characters.
- Digimon World - EZBoard based RPG where you can be Digimon, human or d animal.
- Digimon Dueler - Board-based RPG. Play as a Tamer or a d rouge Digimon. d Use either a set battle system d or free-form.
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