Roleplaying Games Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Series
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: D: Dragon Ball Series: Dragon Ball: Games: Roleplaying
See Also:
- Top/Games/Roleplaying/Genres/Anime
- Top/Games/Video Games/Roleplaying/D/Dragon Ball Games
- Top/Arts/Animation/Anime/Games/Roleplaying
- Top/Arts/Animation/Anime/Titles/D/Dragon Ball Series/Dragon Ball Z/Games/Roleplaying
- Legendary DBZ RPG v2.0: Absolute Zero - Features a web site with characters and standings dragon ball and gameplay. AOL or AIM is required.
- Skys DBZ RPG - Shop, invasions, joining.
- Dragon Ball XT - Characters, rules, teams and information.
- Gohan's Ultimate DBZ RPG - Attacks, training, links and joining information.
- Dragon Ball XX - Single-referee game allowing user-created characters, set 200 years roleplaying after Dragonball roleplaying GT.
- Dragon Ball Games - Games, progress, statistics, and links.
- Vegeta and Gohans RPG - Contains members and battle rooms.
- Gohan and Gotens DBZ RPG - Statistics, battles and joining. AOL chat.
- Dragon Ball Zenith - A DBZ rpg - Yahoo! Group RPG set 2 million years after the Z roleplaying warriors. Uses the 4th Edition Hero System. Requires registration.
- 2001: A Fighters Odessy - Played via AOL\\'s instant messager. Contains game information, dragon ball characters, and a message board.
- DBZ Lords - Fighting, information, message board and items.
- Sayajin King's Rpg - Powerups, information, battles and training.
- Zegjita RPG - Joining, members, races and shop.
- The Saiyans Rpg - Features rules, member list and chat rooms.
- Saiyans Fade - Jobs, masters, characters and attacks.
- Goku and Bardock Rpg - Information, sagas, characters, message boards.
- Dragonball Fighter's Circle - Members, rules, aura and charts.
- SSJ5 Gotens RPG - Rules, members, biographies, information.
- Master Gohan and Goku's RPG - Offers rules, message board and character list.
- Gohan and Vegeta's RPG - A Message Board type RPG based on all roleplaying three series. Rules, training, quests, links, and roleplaying characters statistics are available.
- Dragon Ball X - Chatroom based game with user created moves and characters.
- Gotens DBZ RPG - Raise your power level using dice based battles, games quest for dragonballs, learn new techniques, and visit games far away planets.
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