Rock and Oldies RealAudio Sound Files Music
Members of the Internet's most active DooWop club post their favorites. Fifty six tunes can be found here with new ones submitted every two weeks.
Top: Arts: Music: Sound Files: RealAudio: Rock and Oldies
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Music/Styles/By Decade/1950s
- Top/Arts/Music/Styles/By Decade/1960s
- Top/Arts/Music/Styles/R/Rock/Radio
- Repo's Oldies But Goodies - Hundreds of streaming and non-streaming tunes spanning the rock and oldies 40\\'s to the present. Also has numerous rock and oldies links to similar sites.
- Gordon's Remembering the Past - Download or stream RealAudio files from a list that contains rock and oldies over a 1000 tunes and is continually updated.
- The Doo Wop Jukebox - Listen to the Doo Wop classics of the rock and oldies rock and oldies 50's.
- DISCz-GO-TECH - Oldies site for the young at heart including realaudio 40s, 50s and 60s music. Stereo RealAudio sound realaudio clip medleys. Free email, chat rooms, games, forums, realaudio and homepages.
- Steve's Rockin' Jukebox - Includes a collection of over two hundred tunes realaudio of DooWop, sound files Oldies and Country Music which is realaudio updated monthly.
- Gerry's Real Audio Oldies Jukebox - Collection of musical memories from the 40s to realaudio the 90s sound files in full length RealAudio format, including realaudio photos and information.
- James' Oldies - Rock, pop, easy-listening, and country oldies of the sound files \\'40s, \\'50s, \\'60s, and \\'70s in both streaming sound files and non-streaming RealAudio.
- 70s Rock In Streaming CD Stereo Sounds - Listen to streaming 70s rock in stereo CD sound.
- Legends of Rock - Classic Rock - Hundreds of tunes.
- Daily Jukebox Showcase - Full length Real Audio music from the 1940\\'s through 1960\\'s sound files in mixed genres. Updated daily. Requests welcome!
- Ed's Country Memory Lane - Download and Stream over 500 songs of Country, realaudio Oldies Rock, Polka, Comedy, Easy Listening, and Pop. realaudio All songs from the 40\'s thru 80\'s. Updated realaudio weekly. Also except request.
- Steve's Kewl Doo Wop Shops Jukebox - Members of the Internet\\'s most active DooWop club rock and oldies sound files post their favorites. Fifty six tunes can rock and oldies sound files be found here with new ones submitted every rock and oldies sound files two weeks.
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