Garai, Romola Actors and Actresses Acting Performing Arts
Romala Garai - English actress, born 1982. She was brought up in Singapore and Hong Kong until the age of 10. Other roles include BBC TV 'Daniel Deronda' (2002), 'Nicholas Nickleby' (2002) and the lead role in the movie 'I Capture the Castle' (2003).
Top: Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses: G: Garai, Romola
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/I/I Capture the Castle
- Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/D/Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights
- Top/Regional/Europe/United Kingdom/Arts and Entertainment/Television/Programmes/Dramas/Daniel Deronda
- Top/Arts/Movies/Titles/A/Atonement
- BBC Drama: Romola Garai - Profile.
- IMDb: Romola Garai - Filmography.
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