Garner, Peggy Ann Actors and Actresses Acting Performing Arts
This area is for the listing of sites pertaining to actress Peggy Ann Garner (1932-1984), best remembered for her role in the film version of Betty Smith's A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
Top: Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors and Actresses: G: Garner, Peggy Ann
See Also:
- Sandra Grabman: Peggy Ann Garner - Biography, filmography, and fans' comments.
- Peggy Ann Garner - Biography, filmography, and guest appearances.
- Peggy Ann Garner - Profile, filmography, pictures, TV schedule, and titles for sale.
- Peggy Ann Garner - Monthly TV schedule of her movies. Dates, times, g channels, and details.
- Peggy Ann Garner - Mini biography and filmography.
- Peggy Ann Garner - Contains filmography, and image gallery.
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