Humor Grammar Style Guides Writers Resources
The chronicles of a woman who corrects the grammar of public signs in Boston with a permanent marker, and makes other observations about grammar.
Top: Arts: Writers Resources: Style Guides: Grammar: Humor
- Word Police Academy - Word Police entrance exam, and how to make a grammar grammar citation for crimes against the language, from The Atlantic.
- The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks - A moderated blog with user-submitted pictures of quotation style guides marks used improperly, with humorous commentary.
- Apostrophe Abuse - Details public misuse of the apostrophe, with photos and commentary.
- Gallery of ''Misused'' Quotation Marks - They\\'re quotation marks, and they turn up in grammar the strangest grammar of places.
- The Grammar Vandal - The chronicles of a woman who corrects the style guides grammar humor of public signs in Boston with a style guides permanent marker, humor and makes other observations about grammar.
- Elizabeth Molin - A handful of essays on grammar meant to humor be informative and funny.
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