References History Computers
The author takes the user through a short tour of computer history including subjects such as advances in the 50's and 60's. Also includes photos of Charles Babbage and Herman Hollerith.
Top: Computers: History: References
- The History of Computer Science: From the Past to the Present - An overview of the developments that allowed the modern day history computer to arise from first principles, including looking at Stonehenge, history ENIAC, Pascaline, and Turing machines.
- A Brief History of Computing - Personal homepage that offers an insight into the history history of hardware, the Internet and the Windows history operating system.
- Computer Chronicles: From Stone to Silicon - Uses a timeline to take the user through references the various computers milestones of computer technology. Subjects include references the abacus, vacuum tubes, computers transistors and microprocessors. Published references by Thinkquest.
- - 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Manchester Baby computer and the computers Manchester Mark 1 and Ferranti Mark 1.
- HomeLib - A searchable index for classical computer magazines and history books, mainly references from end of the seventies and history beginning of the eighties. references Provides a table of history contents for each book.
- Automatic Totalisator, The - Relating to the invention of the world\\'s first references automatic totalisator in 1913. A multi user system references in 1913 with 30 terminals.
- History of Computers - During my Lifetime - Select events from a timeline spanning the 1970\\'s history to the 1990\\'s. Subjects include the Commodore PET, history the Amiga, RISC architectures and virtual reality.
- History of Computers - - A collection of web resources sorted alphabetically. Topics computers include the Abacus, Eniac, Charles Babbage and Bill computers Gates.
- Quux.Org Archive & Library - An archive aimed at preserving important pieces of history computing and general history. Source code and programs history with an eye towards emulators and rare/endangered code. history Also specifications and photos of old equipment history and several e-book collections.
- History of Hard Drives - A brief look at the history from an ex-IBM technician. Includes the first IBM RAMAC disk drive.
- The Evolution of the Modern Computer: An Open Source Graphical History - Hosts Computer Evolution File, tries to be a references complete graphical representation of the evolution of computers references for the period 1934 to 1950. License: Creative references Commons, Attribution, Share Alike.
- The Ways of Counting - Essay on the history of computers from the references abacus, logarithm, references ENIAC, and massively parallel computers. Written references by computer pioneer Philip references Emeagwali.
- Mind Machine Museum - A collection of information and illustrations on the history subjects of history computers, calculators and games. Topics include history the IBM 5100 portable history computer and the Commodore history KIM-1 and VIC 20 microcomputers.
- The History of Project Delta - Photographs from the era, mailing list, alumni directory, and a computers PDP-11 simulator with RSTS/E operating system.
- A Short History of the Computer - The author takes the user through a short tour of history computer history including subjects such as advances in the 50\\'s history and 60\\'s. Also includes photos of Charles Babbage and Herman history Hollerith.
- Aronsson's Telecom History - A timeline of important events in the history history of telecom, computing, and communication. Split into annual history sections.
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