Religion Roleplaying in Society
Essay claiming the popularity of the novels and the games indicate a growing tolerance of pagan influences in popular culture.
Top: Games: Roleplaying: Roleplaying in Society: Religion
See Also:
- Straight Talk on Dungeons and Dragons - Article by William Schnoebelen.
- Dungeons and Dragons: Concerns For The Christian - Scriptural arguments against Dungeons and Dragons.
- soc.religion.christian FAQ: D&D - Opposing viewpoints from Usenet discussions.
- Tracy Hickman: Ethics in Fantasy - A game designer\\'s advice for roleplaying gamers communicating religion with concerned roleplaying non-gamers.
- Role-Playing Games: Fantasy or Reality? - Article from the "Youth and the Occult" issue roleplaying of the religion Watchman Expositer.
- Should a Christian Play Dungeons & Dragons? - Article by William Schnoebelen.
- Harry Potter and D&D - Like Two Peas in a Pod? - Essay claiming the popularity of the novels and religion the games indicate a growing tolerance of pagan religion influences in popular culture.
- Dungeons and Dragons and Other Fantasy Role Playing Games - Descriptions (by a religious tolerance group) of Christian roleplaying in society religion opposition to gaming.
- Dark Dungeons - Christian cartoonist Jack Chick's 1984 anti-roleplaying tract.
- Lion Track Ministries: Fantasy and Role Playing - A biblical critique of roleplaying and its connections roleplaying to other suspect hobbies.
- Should Christians play chess? - A counter-article to "Should a Christian Play Dungeons roleplaying in society roleplaying in society and Dragons?"
- Logos Resource: D&D Overview - A Christian ministry\\'s republishing of a B.A.D.D. tract written by born again convict and ex-gamer Darren Moliter.
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