Choose Your Own Adventure Browser Based Adventure Video Games
A fantasy adventure which allows a player to choose what to do at various critical points in the story line.
Top: Games: Video Games: Adventure: Browser Based: Choose Your Own Adventure
- SuperStory - Add a new episode to "Trevor and the choose your own adventure adventure Haunted Tomato."
- Richard Cory Interactive Adventure - This game is based on a poem by choose your own adventure Edwin Arlington Robinson.
- Boring Day at the Office - You have just arrived at work and already you are browser based so bored! You will need to carefully choose your activities browser based to get through the day. Can you make it to browser based 5 o’clock?
- The Neverending Tale - An interactive story-writing adventure for kids. Stories choose your own adventure include: "The Magical Scroll," "Space Station choose your own adventure Delta," and "The Haunted Castle."
- Free online adventure games - Interactive text adventure games.
- Tales from the Vault - An interactive story, where one can write parts browser based of it or submit new stories to the browser based vault.
- The Nameless Forest - A fantasy "choose your own adventure"/adoption site.
- Infinite Story - Extensible "choose your own adventure" stories.
- The Plum - Not a interactive fiction website in which choose your own adventure a user is the main character and can choose your own adventure decide what the story is about. Can include choose your own adventure passworded episodes and funky backgrounds.
- Suspicion of Murder - Solve a crime online in this mystery adventure game. It\\'s choose your own adventure free, it\'s online, it doesn\'t need a download.
- Adventure Game - Free on-web choose-your-own adventure game.
- Iamcal Network - Add the next segment to the story in browser based this choose your own adventure rambling online adventure game about what happens browser based after someone choose your own adventure knocks at the door.
- Rendezvous - Interactive fiction with a speculative twist, romance and adventure in browser based a Canadian mountain wilderness. View novel online or download browser based the hypertext book. Requires fee to access entire story.
- The Addventurers - Interactive, extendable, choose your own adventure stories.
- HeroQuest - Interactive adventure in which players are both the adventure hero and choose your own adventure the storyteller. Players have the option adventure to write additional chapters choose your own adventure to the story.
- Extend-A-Story - An extendable choose your own adventure story. Similar to choose your own adventure The Addventurers. The story is created by the players.
- The Trans-Morbid Adventure - An extended and humorous choose-your-own-adventure, with many ways of not browser based surviving.
- The Superunknown's Jungle Region - Explore the jungle and encounter a variety of creatures along the way in this text-based adventure.
- A Story as You Like It - A hypertext story by Raymond Queneau.
- Choose Your Destiny - Allows a user to create their own adventure from pictures browser based and menus on screen.
- Girlfriend Quest - Play a single guy on the prowl for adventure a new lady. Find her in this adventure choose-your-own-adventure type game.
- Adventure In Lindau - A fantasy adventure which allows a player to choose what adventure to do at various critical points in the story line.
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