Education Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Alternative
Designed to provide specialist postgraduate study in research. Major research focus includes clinical trials on Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.
Top: Health: Alternative: Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine: Education
See Also:
- RMIT Chinese Medicine - Master of Applied Science - Designed to provide specialist postgraduate study in research. Major research alternative focus includes clinical trials on Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture.
- Research Institute of Medical Acupuncture - Courses in classical acupuncture in Kelantan, Malaysia.
- - Online Chinese medicine classes and conferences. Multilingual site.
- East-West School of Chinese Medicine - Four year program in Chinese Medicine. Tel-Aviv, Israel. education Multilingual site.
- The Acupuncture Center - Links to educational resources.
- Five Branches Institute - Offers a variety of coursework in Traditional Chinese alternative Medicine, including alternative doctoral and master\\'s programs. Features curriculum, alternative course catalog, tuition, faculty, alternative clinics. Locations in Santa alternative Cruz and San Jose, CA.
- Cecilia Yankelevish de Caceres - Professor of Acupuncture - Offers courses in acupuncture for professionals.
- Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Multilingual site. Nanjing, China.
- Toyohari Medical Association - Eight-weekend program in Japanese acupuncture offered to licensed acupuncture and chinese alternative medicine acupuncturists and third year acupuncture students. Class locations acupuncture and alternative chinese medicine worldwide.
- Indian Academy of Acupuncture Science - Courses in acupuncture for doctors, acupressure, cosmetic acupuncture. alternative Founded by acupuncture and chinese medicine Dr. P.B. Lohiya in 1983 in alternative Aurangabad, India.
- Tole Institute - Acupuncture course offered by Leong Hong Tole in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- University of Technology, Sydney - Department of Health Sciences offers programs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Sydney, Australia.
- Acupuncture Research Group - Research and education in acupuncture, TCM and low-level education laser treatment. education University of Innsbruck, Austria.
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