Pilates Method Fitness Health
An international not for profit organization focused on preserving the legacy of Joseph H. and Clara Pilates. Includes membership information, details on this exercise form, member search, news, and annual conference information.
Top: Health: Fitness: Pilates Method
Editor's Picks:
Pilates Method Alliance

- Pilates Pregnancy - Contains downloadable articles about the use of this method in the pre- and post-natal period.
- Think Pilates - Articles and exercise descriptions for the progressing student.
- Easy Vigour - Instructions for using pilates for back pain relief. Sample exercises with illustrations.
- Pilates Kingdom - Articles and illustrated sample exercises. Instructions for using pilates for fitness arthritis rehabilitation.
- About.com - Pilates - Essential information, sample exercises, FAQs, product reviews and pilates method articles on topics such as equipment and certification.
- VideoJug.com: Pilates Videos - Videos of individual exercises and complete workouts. health Each clip health includes breathing and precise cuing. health A forum to post health questions is also available.
- Beyond the Movement: The Pilates Podcast - Podcast dedicated to providing insight and exploration into fitness the body\\'s health awakening as you progress beyond the fitness movement.
- Pilates Fitness Journal - Pilates Magazine online with articles and news about health pilates information, exercises, methods, videos, and books.
- Pilates Pro - Online magazine for teachers including business and teaching pilates method ideas, clothing reviews, equipment, and current news geared pilates method towards instructors.
- Inner Idea - Detailed articles by professionals on detailed topics.
- Yahoo Groups: Stott Pilates - A group for discussion and to support and encourage each health other in this method of body conditioning.
- All About Pilates - On line guide to Pilates, the exercises, the health equipment and health the Pilates community.
- Pilates on Tour - Provides continuing education workshops around the United States. health Includes list of upcoming events, and details of health instructors.
- Lifelong Pilates with Mary Bowen - Method "elder" describes her background, workshops offered at fitness diverse locations, fitness and studios in Massachusetts and Connecticut. fitness Online sales of fitness a video by Joe fitness and Clara Pilates.
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