Judaism Religion and Spirituality People and Society
Introduces the calendar still used for religious purposes. Answers questions such as when does a Jewish day begin and which years are leap years.
Top: Kids and Teens: People and Society: Religion and Spirituality: Judaism
- Holy Sparks For Kids - Homework help, games and links for Jewish kids. Tips for people and society writing a dvar Torah. Help kids in Israel who have people and society been hurt by terrorism. Start a readathon at your school.
- Torah Tots - A series of stories, educational material, interactive fun and games, judaism and printable coloring pages for Jewish children.
- My Bar Mitzvah / My Bat Mitzvah Resource Center - Resources to plan and have a successful Bar or Bat Mitzvah. The site features include: sample invitations, speeches and stories, and tips.
- Jewish Children's Museum - The homepage for the Jewish Children\\'s Museum located judaism in Brooklyn, New York. The site has judaism lots of fun graphics, including games and a judaism webcam.
- The Bible Quiz - This online Bible Quiz contains many multiple choice people and society judaism questions about the 5 books of Moses.
- Torah.net - Children's Corner - This site not only has stories and jokes, judaism but also judaism contains a directory of all the judaism blessings and pronunciation guide.
- Alef Land - Introduces young children to learn Alef-Beis. Includes judaism coloring pages.
- YourPage: Kids Only - Includes stories, crafts, recipes, games, puzzles, and online greetings.
- Bar Mitzvah Q&A - Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah questions and answers people and society for the non Jew.
- Canaan Hora--Dancing with the Torah - The weekly par’sha page for modern kids with open-ended questions, a section for table discussion, a weekly quote in English and Hebrew, and always a link to something from the sages. Archive links to all parshot and holidays.
- Torah Stories - Stories and lessons on reading Hebrew.
- Toldot - Online showcase promoting Jewish culture. Includes virtual museum exhibits, artwork, people and society and glimpses into the lives of Jewish youth around the people and society world
- Jvibe - Teen journal and online community features chats, discussions, and articles.
- Jewish Illustrated Encyclopedia For Children - The Jewish Encyclopedia For Kids is made as an online educational site for children who are interested in Jewish facts and history.
- The Jewish Calendar - Introduces the calendar still used for religious purposes. Answers questions such as when does a Jewish day begin and which years are leap years.
- Babaga Newz - Games and activities for Jewish kids. Includes games, religion and spirituality judaism e-cards, and a virtual tour of Israel.
- Akhlah: The Jewish Children's Learning Network - Includes sections about Children\\'s Parsha, Jewish holidays, Israel, religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Hebrew, and Jewish heroes from the Torah.
- Judaism 101 - An encyclopedia of information about Judaism, Jewish practices, holidays, people religion and spirituality and beliefs. For beginners, intermediate or advanced readers.
- Uncle Eli's Haggadah - Humorous poetic retelling of the Passover Haggadah using judaism 3 frames. One frame is used for definitions.
- Camp Simcha - A special place where children nurture friendships, develop religion and spirituality self-confidence and strengthen their Jewish identity. San Diego religion and spirituality area.
- Eileen's Favorite Camp Crafts - Jewish Crafts Page - Craft projects for children. Includes both holiday and more judaism general projects.
- Camp Gan Israel, Warwick RI - Summer 2001 is a place for children to judaism experience the judaism richness, excitement and warmth of Rhode judaism Island Warwick's Judaism.
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