Lebanon Middle East Geography Social Studies

Concise overview of the country's geography, government and history along with a map, statistics, fast facts and the Columbia Encyclopedia article.

    Top: Kids and Teens: School Time: Social Studies: Geography: Middle East: Lebanon

  • US Department of State - Lebanon - Country portal offers a map and links to geography Background Notes, middle east Country Study, the US embassy and geography the current ambassador, press middle east releases, fact sheets, annual geography Human Rights Reports and other major middle east reports including geography Industry Market Reports.
  • CIC Cultural Profile Project - Lebanon - Overview of Lebanese life includes landscape and climate, geography family life, work, recreation, arts and literature, history geography and education. From Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
  • MSN Encarta - Lebanon - Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about the country includes a dynamic map lebanon and multimedia.
  • US State Department - Lebanon Consular Information Sheet - Offers travel information including Background Notes, entry and exit requirements, safety and security, crime, health and transport.
  • BBC News - Country Profile: Lebanon - Provides overview, key facts and events, timelines and middle east leader geography profiles along with current news.
  • BBC Weather Centre - Country Guides: Lebanon - Provides climate and weather information, facts and statistics lebanon about the middle east country, along with five-day forecasts for lebanon major cities.
  • National Geographic - Lebanon - Fast facts along with videos, music clips, photo galleries and geography navigable, zoomable maps.
  • Infoplease - Lebanon - Concise overview of the country\\'s geography, government and lebanon history along with a map, statistics, fast facts lebanon and the Columbia Encyclopedia article.
  • Lebanon for Kids - Interesting facts, history, society and culture from the lebanon Embassy of middle east Lebanon in Washington, D.C.
  • Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection - Lebanon Maps - Country, city and thematic maps, along with links middle east to maps on other web sites. From the middle east Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection at the University of middle east Texas.
  • CIA - The World Factbook: Lebanon - Features map and brief descriptions of the geography, middle east people, lebanon government, economy, communications, transportation, military and transnational middle east issues.
  • AOL Weather - Lebanon - Provides current conditions and seven-day forecast for major geography cities and middle east locations, along with weather headlines, local geography resources and outlooks for middle east outdoor activities and travel.
  • CIA - Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Lebanon - List of government officials and their titles, updated lebanon weekly. Also includes the head of the central lebanon bank, ambassadors to the United States and Permanent lebanon Representatives to the UN, New York.
  • US Library of Congress - Country Study: Lebanon - December 1987 country profile provides information about its historical setting, middle east society and environment, economy, government and politics, and national security.
  • Embassy of Lebanon in Washington, DC - Official site provides news, information and photos about the country lebanon and its culture, tourism, trade and foreign affairs along with lebanon consular services.
  • Fact Monster - Lebanon - Fast facts and information for kids about the country\'s geography, government, history, economy, land and people.

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