Humor Columnists Analysis and Opinion
Writes a column for the Boston Herald Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Read her humorous observations online about stuff in the news, life's idiosyncrasies (and her own).
Top: News: Analysis and Opinion: Columnists: Humor
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- Top/Recreation/Humor/Stories
- Top/Arts/Literature/Authors/Humor
- Top/Recreation/Humor/Personal Pages
- Top/News/Satire
- Blazer, Mark - - Chicago humor columnist
- Estill, Diane - The View Askew - Musings of a domestic failure who finds humor columnists in everything columnists from grilling to toilet repair
- Workman, Morris - Workman Chronicles - Humor columnist shares his "odd-servations" and twisted perspectives analysis and opinion columnists on small-town living, national news, sports, and societal analysis and opinion columnists whims. Featured weekly in the Desert Valley Times, analysis and opinion columnists Nevada.
- Lautens, Stephen - Virtually Stephen Lautens - Humor column that appears weekly in the Calgary Sun, Winnipeg analysis and opinion Sun and the London Free Press. Also an archive of analysis and opinion past columns and a tribute to Gary Lautens.
- Haught, Robert - Haughtline Dweethly - An online magazine updated daily, weekly, monthly. Besides news and analysis and opinion commentary, its sections cover a wide variety of topics
- Beckerman, Tracy - Lost in Suburbia, - Syndicated humor column carried by several New Jersey newspapers. Sample humor columns are posted on this site, as well as the humor latest column.
- Doucette, Gene - GenePool - A humorist, playwright, and a skeptic. Also contains analysis and opinion the "Other Worst-Case Scenario Survival."
- Kaiser, Frank - Suddenly Senior - Reports from the front lines of the profound analysis and opinion and funny experience of becoming a geezer.
- Davis, Sven - An archive of columns and features relating to analysis and opinion the arts, media, advice, how-to, and social commentary.
- Frieswick, Kris - Humor Columnist - A contributing writer for the Phoenix newspapers, an columnists award-winning chain of alternative news weeklies throughout New columnists England.
- Hanna, Mary - Author & Speaker - Freelance humor columnist for the San Mateo County Times and analysis and opinion author of "You May Already Be a Wiener!"
- Moss, Sheila - Humor Columnist - Humor columnist writes funny stories and witty commentary. columnists Humor newsletter, humor archive of humor columns and other columnists funny stuff.
- Gagliardi, Greg - Progressive Revelations - The weekly saga is a stream-of-consciousness look at columnists the very small things in life.
- Stupidman - Funny pictures, funny stories by Stupidman, Internet Guru analysis and opinion analysis and opinion Trainee
- Mendelson, Brandon - Astonishing Tales Of Mediocrity - A collection of non-fiction comedy work that has columnists been published and featured across the Internet since columnists 2001.
- Gonick, Jean - Failing At Living - Humor columnist for San Francisco Chronicle.
- Fox, Dave - Dave the Fox - Humor and travel articles, weekly humor columns, and international travel journals.
- Webb, June - Poozie's Ponderings - A weekly humor column about raising a family, columnists razing a husband and the trials and tribulations columnists of daily life.
- Schultze, Rick - Yachats, Oregon, freelance writer, observational columnist, humor columnist, columnists and book analysis and opinion and music reviewer for newspapers, magazines, columnists and online.
- Langworthy, Andrea - Award winning writer and Minnesota newspaper columnist offers columnists snippets of columnists life as she sees it--seasoned with columnists humor, reminiscence and reflection.
- Shoupe, Myrtle - The Hima News - Weekly column of a 95 year old woman in the humor Manchester (KY) Enterprise.
- Deckers, Erik - Laughing Stalk Humorpage - Observational and satirical weekly humor column published in analysis and opinion humor several print and online newspapers.
- Kane, Madeleine Begun - Humor Columnist - Award winning Raising Kane humor columns about computers, jobs, cars, workplace, travel, technology, the Internet, and other aggravations.
- Layton, Jennifer - Freelance Writer - Humor columns by a Raleigh, NC writer
- Perry, Peary - Letters from North America - Weekly humor and general commentary column covering topics analysis and opinion ranging from men/women relationships to space travel.
- Spiers, Wally - Wally's Words - A collection of columns about everyday life by humor a Belleville humor News Democrat writer.
- Steyn, Mark - Current and archived columns about politics, arts and columnists culture from humor the Canadian humorist. Includes links to columnists the worldwide papers carrying humor his columns and book columnists ordering details.
- Olsen, Suzanna - Gentle Humor for Everyday Women - Articles to tickle women who are not desperate columnists housewives, dodge life\\'s curveballs like they were the columnists papparazzi, and have a sense of humor about columnists it.
- Melton, W.S. "Bill" Jr. - Southern humorist, writer, motivational speaker, and self syndicated newspaper columnist.
- Blue Feathers on Fire - Irreverent and off the wall articles, jokes, culture humor and comment across all aspects of modern day humor living.
- Shein, Bill - Reason Gone Mad - Humor op-ed column from the Berkshire Eagle newspaper. Two-time winner analysis and opinion of the National Press Club Award for Humor.
- Freed, Josh - - Humorous Saturday column about everything from potholes to columnists politics to pigeons. Also, an award-winning documentary film columnists maker.
- Enderland, Ron - Reality Bytes - Humor about computers and computing.
- Martin, John - Dunno - Australian writes humor on the funny side of life.
- Van Ostrand, Maggie - Opinionated, humorous weekly column about people, places and analysis and opinion columnists things, that currently appears in several publications online analysis and opinion columnists and in print.
- Southern Humorists - A Humor Writers' Group - Southern humorists are writers, columnists, and others who aspire to entertain with humor, southern style.
- Ricci, Steven - From the Hip - Articles by award-winning humorist
- O'Farrell, John - Guardian UK - Biting humor about everyday life, politics, government and columnists business. Includes archives from his weekly Guardian column columnists and links to his latest books.
- Rochelle, Michael - Mikeyllo's Lounge - Humor from a Baltimore writer and journalism student.
- Glardon, Dave - Reality for the Enlightened - Freelance humor columnist and author of the weekly column "Everyday columnists Life".
- Herrera, Tim - Tim's Family Room - Family oriented humor site from award-winning writer, public analysis and opinion humor speaker and family columnist.
- Murphy, Andy & Ray Tice - Stolen Soap - Humor columns and articles on website where crimes against comedy make sqeaky clean getaways.
- Brandao, Curt - Digital Slob - Advance in the 21st century with as little columnists effort as humor possible with a smarty-pants column for columnists the rest of us.
- Gallagher, Danny - Danny Gallagher Dot Net - Writer, humorist and "all around nice guy" who columnists creates weekly humor humor columns and jokes.
- Brennan, Angie - Humor Writer, Cartoonist, and Illustrator - Spoof advice, musings, and humorous stories on everything from refined sugar to blogging.
- Woods, Dan H. - Tomfoolery & Codswallop - Online home of a weekly humor column.
- Chartrand, David - Humor Columnist - Essays about life, death, love, families, parents and children that columnists have been reprinted in newspapers and magazines coast to coast.
- Mad Dog Weekly - Doing it Doggy Style, and a humor column.
- Spector, Lincoln - The Link Inspector - Award-winning author, humorist, and technology columnist.
- Stein, Joel - Archives of Joes Stein\\'s LA Times columns, with analysis and opinion brief biography. Stand-up comedian in print, desperate for analysis and opinion attention.
- Taylor, Kathryn Rose - Snickerdoodles - Home of a weekly humor columnist who will analysis and opinion make your doodle snicker.
- Brock, John - Southern Observer - A newspaper column a newspaper that depicts one analysis and opinion humor person\\'s observations of growing up and living Southern analysis and opinion humor - along with occasional topics of national interest.
- McKay, Peter - HomeMaking - Columns from a syndicated humor columnist and home humor repair demon.
- Lane, Mark - Humor and comment by newspaper columnist at Daytona Beach News-Journal
- Summers, Jaron - Jaron's Wacky Tales - Writer of hundreds of humorous columns and articles for newspapers humor and magazines, prime time television, as well as radio dramas, humor and a dozen novels.
- Revell, Ken - - The writings of Ken Revell, southern humor columnist, author and columnists conservative political commentator.
- Jacks, Beth Boswell - Snippets - Syndicated columnist, book author, and freelance writer whose humor weekly column appears in a number of southern humor newspapers.
- Eisenberg, Irv - Long Island Sleuth - Serious Humor. "The Truth Lies Within."
- Scott, Liz - Modine Gunch - Modine Gunch is Everywoman trying to survive the humor hassles of columnists jobs, kids, and the world at humor large.
- Love, Jason - So It Goes - A humor columnist and cartoonist.
- Papandrew, Jackie - Airing My Dirty Laundry - Columnist delves deep into the laundry basket of columnists life, exposing columnists everything from a spouse\\'s sexual silliness columnists to a teenager\\'s text columnists message tantrums. Dive in columnists and discover a hamper full of columnists hilarity!
- Hawk, Marie - Meet Marie Hawk! - Funny stories from the town of Eyesore, in analysis and opinion the middle of nowhere. Try "Looking Forward to analysis and opinion Bad Hair Days After Death."
- Leff, Howard - Party of One - Writer of humor/lifestyle columns for the Los Angeles Times and analysis and opinion the Chicago Tribune's RedEye edition.
- Hyland, Adam - The Hy Five - Personal commentary with a decided smirk on everything. humor If it humor happened and it\'s stupid, he will humor make fun of it.
- Hoppe, Arthur - Tribute and small archive for legendary columnist of humor San Francisco columnists Chronicle.
- Schmitt, Paula - The All Sports Mom - Writer and Humor Columnist from Vermont whose work analysis and opinion has appeared in The Herald of Randolph.
- Sponsler,Todd A. - The Lions Den - The most unofficial site for Penn State football, and for humor humor dispensed in nearly fatal doses.
- Offutt, Jason - As I Was Saying - Dedicated to the humor writing of award-winning columnist.
- Rearick, Cappy Hall - Simply Southern - Read columns that will make you laugh and columnists make you cry, bringing the South alive for columnists you.
- Bayan, Rick - Some Cynical Guy - Dark-humored weekly syndicated column from the author of analysis and opinion "The Cynic's Dictionary."
- Karo, Aaron - Ruminations - Bi-weekly column pondering life as a recovering frat columnists boy with mailing list of over 50,000 subscribers.
- Dodson, Paul - Observations of an Unimportant Man - Travel and humor writing - depraved, deprived, often analysis and opinion columnists downright demented.
- Fleschner, Malcolm - Culture Shlock - Uniquely irreverent perspective on pop culture, politics, parenthood and many columnists additional topics.
- - Online humor writing featuring comedy, satire and blogs columnists from multiple columnists writers.
- Hammond, Sonya - Sonya's Dead End - Commentary, satire, and humour from one woman\\'s view of almost humor everything
- Richards, J.K. - The Village Idiom - Observational humor columnist whose rural roots flavor his views.
- Purcell, Tom - Humor Columnist - A nationally syndicated humor columnist and satirist based in Washington, D.C.
- Pascucci, Maria - Creative Type - Full-time freelance writer whose work appears regularly in columnists The Buffalo News and several other publications.
- Bailey, Sherri - Wiping The Crazy Off My Face - A look at this southern woman\\'s life through Obsessive Compulsive analysis and opinion colored glasses.
- Durai, Melvin - Humor of Melvin Durai - Humor columns and mailing list from lifestyles to columnists politics.
- Marilee, MaryLee - The Crackpot - Humor and lifestyle column by writer and \\'cheerleader for the human spirit'.
- Hogan, Phil - Guardian Columnist UK - Self-deprecating humorist focuses on everyday and family life.
- Fiel, Jared - Humor Columnist - Columnist for The Greeley Tribune and The Fort Morgan Times writes about parenting.
- D'Arcangelo, Lyndsey - Site of creative writer, copywriter for The Buffalo News, novelist, and columnist for Outcome, a gay and lesbian monthly magazine.
- Carline, Gayle - Collection of stories from a writer who juggles columnists family, home, career, and the occasional 900-pound horse.
- Loebig, Dave - Random Digressions - Often tongue-in-cheek and humorous commentary, but sometimes serious humor commentary.
- Chianca, Peter - At Large - Funny observations on modern life, pop culture and parenting, as analysis and opinion featured in the award-winning weekly column from the Boston Herald analysis and opinion and other newspapers.
- Schwartzberg, Joel - Jest To Kill - The writing portfolio of a weekly humor columnist, columnists former children\\'s columnists television writer, and doomed game show columnists contestant, among other distractions.
- Rice, Heidi - Humor Columnist - Married without children, an award-winning humor column, takes analysis and opinion a funny look at life without kids, from analysis and opinion day-to-day life to issues facing the baby boomer analysis and opinion generation.
- Teitell, Beth - Boston Humor Columnist - Writes a column for the Boston Herald Tuesdays, Wednesdays and humor Fridays. Read her humorous observations online about stuff in the humor news, life\'s idiosyncrasies (and her own).
- Cameron, W. Bruce - The Cameron Column - Humor columnist for Denver's Rocky Mountain News.
- Townsend, David N. - The Beanstalk - A humor column, covering current events, ideas, travel, columnists personal experiences, and esoterica, with a tinge of columnists social consciousness.
- Waters, George - Humor Columnist - Winner of the Will Rogers Writing Contest writes humor a humor column in Southern California about life humor in suburbia - from skunk attacks to traffic humor school to fear of flying.
- Leonhardt, David - The Happy Guy Humor Column - A heaping helping of humor and satire with a dash analysis and opinion of personal growth.
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