Email Forwards Archives Humor
For collections of humorous forwarded emails.
Top: Recreation: Humor: Archives: Email Forwards
- 3dge - Categories include animals, celebrities, pictures, jokes, videos and websites.
- - Compendium of internet humor and collected mail forwards.
- Archive of Email Forwards - Ranging from the hilarious to the infamous.
- The Funny Pages - Collection of internet email humor.
- Andrew's Funny Forwards - An archive jokes, lists, parodies and interesting e-mail archives forwards. Since humor 2000.
- Illusion of Laughter - A collection of humorous emails collected and preserved over a period of a few years.
- httpjoke - A collection of jokes and stories circulating on email forwards email archives on a variety of topics.
- Bore Me - Archive of viral emails.
- - Hundreds of collected emailed jokes and stories divided into categories.
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