Chats and Forums Interactive Humor
Interactive humor related communities; Places to discuss humorous subjects or simply share a few jokes.
Top: Recreation: Humor: Interactive: Chats and Forums
- The Hypertribe Forums - Simi-topical discussion community featuring dark humor.
- The Brawl Hall - An anything-goes flame forum based on humor and humor insults.
- The Official Ninja Forum - A satirical community based on fantasy ninja culture.
- Joke Board - A place to leave jokes and to read chats and forums humor jokes posted by others.
- London Banter Committee - Good-humored forums where the art of bantering is interactive encouraged.
- Crudpot - Archives of humorous pictures, audio and video clips, interactive a messageboard, humor and weekly polls. Win prizes.
- Abandoned Forum - A forum for the mentally unstable, or unusually weird.
- Flamevault - Flaming, games, and fun.
- I-Mockery - Discussion community featuring humorous attacks on all aspects humor of pop culture and one-on-one mock wars.
- Mugwuffin - Daily caption competition and forums.
- Pointless Waste of Time - Aimless rambling with a touch of humor.
- The Peeved - Oddball community which features the peeve of the chats and forums chats and forums day and top ten peeves.
- Just Ram It - Rants and random chat in a light-hearted environment.
- Asylum Forums - Twisted humor and social anarchy.
- Far2Cool - General community banter forum for off-topic and controversial discussion.
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