Musical Humor Recreation
A funny site with semi-in-depth rock album reviews, a humor page, magic page, and pages that make fun of stuff.
Top: Recreation: Humor: Musical
See Also:
- Off the Wall Band Names - Proving that a vivid imagination and everyday conversations musical are the musical key to producing an list musical of possible band names.
- Great Name for a Band - Generates random band names along with word definitions musical and search musical engine links.
- MIDI or Virtuoso? - Determine whether a sound clip is played by human or humor machine. Requires RealAudio.
- Song Crossfire - Song interpretations by people who think way outside the box.
- Baseball Songs - Humorous songs about baseball teams and famous players. humor Streaming audio available.
- Mrs. Miller's World Fan Club - The story behind the voice. Elva Miller as you have recreation never seen her before. Complete with quicktime videos.
- Bin Laden Rap - Listen to Bin Laden do a little freestyle.
- The Four Squeezins - Features manualists Bruce Gaston and Jim Rotondo squeezing musical music out of thin air with their hands musical and the part-time help of a Bicycle Tire musical Pump.
- Canonical List of Weird Band Names - Alphabetic list of humorous band names and links musical to some recreation of them.
- Zong of the Week - Satirical and humorous songs available to download.
- Donna Kay Honey - Irreverent blue collar musical comedy for trailer trash lovers, weenie recreation dog owners, and trailer trash fans. Features profiles of band recreation members, calendar and contact details.
- Digital Fever - Pop related humor including pics, stories, links and humor mocking. Featuring humor 'N Sync, BSB and Britney
- Rock And Roll Confidential - Skewering band promotional photographs.
- Cheesy Mike's Cheesy Music - A collection of strange of bizarre music titles, recreation many with humor a dairy theme.
- Ode To Band - Band humor, including musical instrument jokes, 200+ ways you know you\'re a band nerd, a band bible, and links.
- Music Matters - Humorous look at musicians in the news.
- God of Guitar - Spoof advice from two self-styled hard rock guitarists.
- IT Anthems - Catalog of corporate anthems, including commentary and reviews musical of the merit.
- Random Thoughts on the Manic Street Preachers - Satirical humour about the Manic Street Preachers and the obsessive fan culture surrounding them.
- Drunken Hero - Explores the not-so-fascinating world of the everyday musician.
- The Holy Queeble - The word according to Queen.
- Philharmonic Phunnies - Cartoons and other funny stuff about the world musical of classical humor music.
- Nod The Dog Productions - A humorous take at self-published musicians who record songs in their own homes.
- Mad Moooo Music - A humorous look a one hit wonders, annoying hits, comedy humor songs and records that probably should never have been made, humor plus music trivia.
- Loony Music - Parodies and humorous songs, plus general comedy and humor cartoons.
- Domestic Engineering - Promotion of a facetious CD, complete with reviews and an interview with the artist.
- Museum of Bad Album Covers. - A categorised collection of some of the worst recreation album covers ever released. Visitors can vote for recreation the most awful.
- Yodel! - The world's interactive, animated singing page.
- Tay-G's Rock Appreciation page with jokes on the side - A funny site with semi-in-depth rock album reviews, a humor page, magic page, and pages that make fun of stuff.
- Pop Culture Madness - A look at some of the humorous areas humor of pop musical culture, including a large section featuring humor the best and worst musical records from various years.
- Grandfolkies - Silly songs, "yucky" songs, children\\'s stories, nuclear waste books, curmudgeon recreation corner and do-it-yourself roadmap for change.
- The Truck Driver's Gear Change Hall Of Shame - Musically documenting the world's most unnecessary key changes.
- Families Passover Parody - A Jewish passover is parodied to the tune of Hotel California. Includes a sing-along tune.
- The Audio BS Page - Loads of information about the crazy things believed recreation and written humor by audiophiles.
- Redwood Songs - Environmentally correct spoofs of popular songs.
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