Central Region East Kingdoms Society for Creative Anachronism

Located in Boston, Massachusetts. Links to its subsidiary groups, activity schedule, mailing list, officers, announcements, links to articles by the populace.

    Top: Recreation: Living History: Society for Creative Anachronism: Kingdoms: East: Central Region

  • Canton of Ravenhill - Covers northwestern Connecticut. Officers, fencing practices and other activities.
  • Shire of Frosted Hills - Covers the Dutchess County area of the Mid kingdoms Hudson Valley of New York State. Meeting times, kingdoms upcoming events, officer lists, and links to members\' kingdoms pages.
  • Canton of Dragon's Aerie - Covers southeastern Connecticut. Memorial page, meetings, officers.
  • Barony of Concordia of the Snows - Lists activities, meetings, news, events, history and officers kingdoms for Albany east and Schenectady counties, New York.
  • Shire of Anglespur - Located in Troy, New York. Activity calendar, contacts, domesday (persona, central region interests, awards).
  • Barony of Carolingia - Located in Boston, Massachusetts. Links to its subsidiary groups, activity east schedule, mailing list, officers, announcements, links to articles by the east populace.
  • Barony Beyond the Mountain - Covers most of Connecticut. Memorial page, announcements, events, local awards, central region officers, meeting notes archive back to March 1998.

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