Journals Education Reference

A peer reviewed publication covering issues in higher education and the Montana university system and which includes book reviews, essays and editorials.

    Top: Reference: Education: Journals

See Also:
  • Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation - A peer-reviewed electronic journal whose purpose is to provide education professionals access to articles that can have a positive impact on assessment, research, evaluation, and teaching practice, especially at the local education agency (LEA) level.
  • Journal of Religion and Education - A journal of analysis and comment, with the purpose of advancing public understanding and dialogue on issues at the intersections of religion and education.
  • Current Issues in Education - A peer-reviewed scholarly journal available in full text journals without cost. journals Published by the College of Education journals at Arizona State University.
  • Contemporary Educational Psychology - Author information, subscription details and online access for reference subscribers for this journal which publishes articles covering reference the application of psychological theory and science to reference the educational process.
  • Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching - A free and refereed online journal dedicated to journals the dissemination journals of innovative methods for the learning journals and teaching of science journals in schools.
  • Teaching Expertise Magazine (TEx) - TEx is a CPD magazine for classroom teachers and managers reference in schools. Provides creative and practical learning and teaching ideas reference and management articles.
  • Open Access Journals in the Field of Education - The "Communications Among Researchers" Special Interest Group of the American journals Educational Research Association has compiled this list of electronic journals journals in education that are peer-reviewed, full text and freely accessed. journals The list contains ov
  • Thinking Classroom Journal - Peer-reviewed international journal in English with a parallel reference Russian-language journals version, Peremena, serves as forum for reference teachers and faculty interested journals in promoting democratic teaching reference practices.
  • The Journal of In-service Education - International refereed journal, published four times a year, education offers original reference contributions on the subject of teacher education education.
  • Academic Exchange Quarterly - Peer-reviewed quarterly publishes articles that contribute to effective instruction and learning regardless of level or subject.
  • Electronic School - Archive of quarterly technology magazine for K-12 educators journals that was reference published from 1987 to 2002.
  • Freire Online Journal - Publishes articles in the tradition of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire. journals Includes access to back issues and information on submitting.
  • Education Guardian - Higher Education - Provides news, features and comment with university performance reference indicators and journals surveys, guides, special reports and Jobmatch reference academic job listings. Email journals news summaries.
  • American School Board Journal - Editorially independent education journal published monthly attempting to reference interpret issues and offer practical advice.
  • The Montana Professor - A peer reviewed publication covering issues in higher education and the Montana university system and which includes book reviews, essays and editorials.
  • Science Education Review - A review of international science education literature for the primary education and high school science teacher, plus resources for the science education education classroom. Edited by Dr Peter H. Eastwell.
  • Harvard Education Letter - A bimonthly newsletter in education; covers timely topics in depth and explores issues from the perspectives of both research and practice. Current issue contents, either as full text or abstracts, and special web features.
  • Teacher Librarian: The Journal for School Library Professionals - Offers free access to selected past articles, reviews reference of books and software for resource centers, as reference well as links to the best online resources reference for students, teachers, and school librarians.
  • Journal of Extension - This electronic journal is the peer reviewed reference publication of journals the Cooperative Extension System.
  • Bilingual Research Journal - A peer-reviewed scholarly journal publishing research on bilingual journals education.
  • American Journal of Education - AJE, quarterly, encourages a dialogue between educational scholars and practitioners. education From the University of Chicago Press.
  • Beyond Behavior - The CCBD practitioner journal, published three times each year. The reference purpose of this journal is to publish material of special reference relevance to teachers and other practitioners working with students with reference emotional and behavioral disorders.
  • Journal of General Education - Penn State Press - For faculty, administrators, and policymakers, JGE is the professional forum education for discussing issues in general education today. JGE addresses the education general education concerns of community colleges, four-year colleges, universities, and education state systems.
  • EdResearch Online - EdResearch Online is a searchable database containing thousands journals of research articles and documents. Abstracts are free, journals articles must be purchased. It is an journals online subset of the Australian Education Index.
  • The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - This is a web-based, interactive academic journal publishing journals scholarly research reference and reflective essays.
  • Education Today - Magazine published monthly during the school year for teachers and education other education professionals in Australia. Contents lists and some other education information offered online.
  • Phi Delta Kappan - The professional print journal for education; addresses policy issues for educators at all levels. An advocate for research-based school reform, the KAPPAN provides a forum for debate on controversial subjects.
  • Academic Leadership - The Online Journal - Articles and Essays for those in academic leadership roles - from unit coordinators to university presidents.
  • International Journal of Education and the Arts - Includes articles, abstracts, editors, and information on how journals to subscribe.
  • Understanding Our Gifted - A quarterly journal for parents, educators, and counselors.
  • International Reading Association : Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literature - Journal published exclusively for teachers of older learners.
  • Journal of Research in Rural Education - A peer-reviewed, scholarly e-journal providing open access to education original research relevant to rural education.
  • The British Journal of Religious Education - The academic journal for religious education, reporting relevant research, presenting journals philosophical perspectives and exploring appropriate pedagogy.
  • Asian EFL Journal - An international refereed journal, indexed in SSCI, covering reference empirical research and development in Second Language Learning reference and Acquisition across Asia. Edited by reference EFL scholars.
  • Education Review - A scholarly journal of reviews of new books in education.
  • ultiBASE e-Journal - A peer-reviewed e-journal and resource for tertiary teachers. education Its aim journals is to promote teaching best practice education in the Humanities, Social journals Sciences and Education in education all tertiary settings.
  • Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) - Search a bibliographic database of more than 1.1 education million citations on education topics going back to education 1966. Over 100,000 full text available for free.
  • Harvard Educational Review - A scholarly journal on education; provides an interdisciplinary journals forum for discussion and debate about education\\'s most journals vital issues. Founded in 1930, the Review has journals become one of the most prestigious journals in journals education, for researchers, administrators,
  • Peer Review - Provides a quarterly briefing on emerging trends and key debates education in undergraduate education. Each issue is focused on a specific education topic. Published by the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
  • International Reading Association : The Reading Teacher - Offers practical, hands-on reading/literacy ideas for the education classroom, each journals one based on sound theory.
  • Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education (JIAEE) - Official refereed publication of the Association for International Agricultural and education Extension Education. Its purpose is to develop a broad research education and knowledge base on agricultural and extension education in developing education countries. Past editions in Engli
  • The International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT) - An open access e-journal that aims to strengthen journals links between journals research and practice in ICT in journals education and development in journals hitherto less developed parts journals of the world.
  • Perspectives on Sudbury Education - Articles discussing Sudbury schools, participatory democracies where students education are free education to choose their individual educational paths. education The journal education is on hiatus, but education past issues are available online in education PDF format.
  • Education Policy Analysis Archives - A peer-reviewed scholarly electronic journal publishing education policy journals analysis since education 1993.
  • Innovate - Peer-reviewed e-journal with articles that assist educators as journals they face journals the challenge of integrating information technology journals tools into teaching and journals into managing educational organizations. journals Requires free registration for article access.
  • Spunti e ricerche - A refereed journal encouraging excellence in Italian Studies education by providing a forum for scholarly research in education Italian literature, arts and culture.
  • New Mexico Journal of Reading - A peer-reviewed journal for all types of articles about reading for all ages of people. Manuscripts dealing with issues, events, and research related to reading are welcome.
  • Education Next: A Journal of Opinion and Research - Published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford and education the Program on Education Policy and Governance at education Harvard. A forum on education policy and education school reform that includes evidence-based original research, critiques education of other research projects, and book re
  • NASSP Bulletin - A peer-reviewed quarterly journal of the National Association journals of Secondary reference School Principals. Articles inform practice, support journals data-driven decisions, and advance reference the vision and practice journals of middle-level and high school principals.
  • Liberal Education - Expresses the voices of educators, faculty and administrators journals in colleges reference and universities across the USA who journals are working to enrich reference liberal learning and undergraduate journals education.
  • Teachers.Net Gazette - Monthly web magazine written, illustrated, and edited by reference teachers for education teachers. Teachers are invited to reference submit stories and articles education for publication.
  • Journal of Adventist Education - A professional journal for Seventh-day Adventist teachers from journals kindergarten through university level, as well as educational journals administrators at all levels.
  • The Voice of Scholarship in Education - A peer-reviewed journal offering full-text articles from 1980-present. reference Thematic content collections, discussion groups, online learning modules, reference and book reviews.
  • Australian Journal of French Studies - A forum for scholarly research in French literature, journals arts and journals culture.
  • Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ) - TESL-EJ is a refereed, electronic journal which publishes reference freely-accessible articles journals and reviews focused on English language reference teaching throughout the world. journals Includes an RSS reference feed.
  • Education Week and Teacher Magazine - Articles focus on educational reform, schools, and the reference policies that education guide them.
  • Reading Research Quarterly - Peer-reviewed professional research journal for those committed to scholarship on reference questions of literacy among learners of all ages. Provides reference a forum for multidisciplinary research, alternative modes of investigation, and reference variant viewpoints about the natu
  • Learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts - Charles Darwin University. Publishes papers reporting original research journals and other education issues relating to the learning of journals individuals, groups, communities and education organizations.
  • Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) Journal - A peer-reviewed, online journal published by the Society for Information education Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), with sponsorship by several other education major educator organizations. Includes scholarly and practitioner research, featuring education technology demonstra
  • Teaching to Change LA - Journal for educators and students and addresses issues reference of social justice for Los Angeles public schools reference and the communities that surround them.
  • English Discourse - Presents e-journals of teaching and research, primarily in English Composition.
  • Reading Online - A peer-reviewed journal of the International Reading Association (IRA). education Focuses on literacy practice and research in classrooms serving students education aged 5 to 18.
  • Journal of Extension Systems - A biannual international journal dedicated to the cause of advancing understanding of extension systems through empirical investigations, theoretical analyses, and practical experiences.

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