Directories Libraries Reference

List of references indexed by topics like public, school and national libraries. Also includes sections about organisations and science resources.

    Top: Reference: Libraries: Directories

See Also:
  • ISBNDB - Multilingual database of international standard book numbers. Offers directories the possibility to investigate by category.
  • Internet Quick Reference Shelf: Library Resources - Collection of links presented by the University of Indiana categorized reference by topics.
  • NLS/BPH: Reference Directories Index Page - A list of directories provided by the U.S. libraries Library of reference Congress, National Library Service for the libraries Blind and Physically Handicapped.
  • Library and Information Science - IFLA list of world wide web accessible libraries worldwide sorted reference by countries.
  • Bookwire - Descriptive listing of US libraries alphabetically and by state, as well as an index of Asian, European, Canadian and special libraries.
  • - Searchable directory and maps for over 20,000 US and Canadian public libraries.
  • Libraries & Archives - List of references structured by topics as internet and science reference libraries.
  • Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries - Includes links to member libraries, online exhibits, and reference catalogs.
  • The WWW Library Directory - Searchable directory of over 8,000 library and library-related directories sites worldwide arranged by countries. Includes a US directories section sorted by states.
  • Libweb - Searchable and categorized links to over 7,000 pages directories from libraries libraries in over 100 countries, including academic, directories public and national libraries libraries worldwide; library organizations and directories consortia; and related sites.
  • Global Reach - Searchable database which shows the involvement of librarians and libraries directories in international library activities.
  • Libraries of the World and their Catalogues - Links to national, academic and public libraries and directories their catalogues. reference Compiled by Sylvia Milne, a retired directories librarian.
  • Bishop Library Index - Links to worldwide libraries, mostly with descriptions of the specific libraries websites by Kenneth Bishop.
  • Law Libraries Worldwide - Chan Robles and Associates provides links to major law libraries libraries around the world.
  • US State Library Links - List of US libraries sorted alphabetically and by state.
  • List of Judaica Library Websites - Alphabetically sorted links to Jewish library websites.
  • Canadian Directory of Special Collections - Directory for these types of libraries in Canada. libraries Contains the reference description and history of each collection.
  • Library and Related Resources - List of references indexed by topics like public, reference school and directories national libraries. Also includes sections about reference organisations and science resources.
  • Lib Web Cats - Searchable database of over 5,000 library sites worldwide. directories Listings include directories mailing addresses and links to online directories catalogs.
  • LibDex - World index of library sites with over 18,000 libraries database entries. directories Includes a list of libraries by libraries catalog vendor.
  • Switzerland's Directory of Archives and Databases - Information on contents, location, contact, online catalogues, and directories the conditions libraries of use of hundreds of databases, directories archives and libraries in libraries Switzerland.
  • National Library Catalogues Worldwide - Index of libraries with detailed descriptions about the reference handling of the search interfaces sorted by countries.

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