Connecticut United States North America Art Museums

Collection features more than 5,000 works, including paintings, drawings, watercolors, prints, photographs and sculptures. Includes its history, details of current exhibitions, memberships, hours and directions. Located in the University of Connecticut, S

    Top: Reference: Museums: Arts and Entertainment: Art Museums: North America: United States: Connecticut

See Also:
  • Connecticut Impressionist Art Trail - A guided driving trail to 10 Connecticut Museums boasting some of the finest American Impressionism in the world.
  • Mattatuck Museum - Exhibits feature Connecticut art and local history. Located north america in united states Waterbury, Connecticut.
  • The William Benton Museum of Art - Collection features more than 5,000 works, including paintings, united states drawings, north america watercolors, prints, photographs and sculptures. Includes its united states history, details north america of current exhibitions, memberships, hours and united states directions. Located in north america the University of Connecticut, S

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