Agriculture Business and Economy Namibia Africa

A multifaceted meat manufacturing company in Namibia, involved in slaughter, wholesale, processing and retail of fresh and processed meat and meat products.

    Top: Regional: Africa: Namibia: Business and Economy: Agriculture

  • Meat Board of Namibia - Facilitates the export of livestock, meat, and processed agriculture meat products.
  • Hartlief Corporation Ltd - A multifaceted meat manufacturing company in Namibia, involved agriculture in slaughter, business and economy wholesale, processing and retail of fresh agriculture and processed meat and business and economy meat products.
  • Meat Corporation of Namibia Ltd. - Operates several abattoirs and a tannery. Offers company information, product details, and newsletter.
  • Namibian Fishing Industry Online - Includes information about species, production process, shipping and major exporters of the country's seafood products.

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