Business and Economy Block Island Localities Rhode Island
Catering firm offering services for weddings, private parties and events on Block Island. Also supplies designer wedding cakes. Includes menus, cake designs, and pricing.
Top: Regional: North America: United States: Rhode Island: Localities: B: Block Island: Business and Economy
See Also:
- Boat Services of Block Island - Provide a wide range of boating related services. business and economy List of services provided and contact form.
- Block Island Gourmet - Catering firm offering services for weddings, private parties block island and b events on Block Island. Also supplies designer block island wedding cakes. b Includes menus, cake designs, and pricing.
- Allegro Gifts - Includes information for visitors to Block Island and b information about ordering local posters and other gift b items.
- The Sullivan House - Victorian inn on a peninsula between Great Salt b Pond and the ocean, available for weddings and b other events. History, photos, booking details, and information b about overnight accommodations.
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