Maps and Views Jamestown Localities Rhode Island
Set of maps showing facilities and significant features, forests and wetlands, land use, groundwater, soil hydrology, watershed sub-basins, biodiversity and coastal wetlands. Part of a statewide set.
Top: Regional: North America: United States: Rhode Island: Localities: J: Jamestown: Maps and Views
- Jamestown Critical Resources Atlas - Set of maps showing facilities and significant features, forests and maps and views wetlands, land use, groundwater, soil hydrology, watershed sub-basins, biodiversity and maps and views coastal wetlands. Part of a statewide set.
- Jamestown RI Images on MIT/RI Orthophoto Server - Interactive satellite image mosaic of the Jamestown RI area on University of Rhode Island Ortho Server.
- Topographic Map of Jamestown RI - Interactive USGS topographic map allows viewer to zoom in or maps and views out and re-center as desired. Shows streets, buildings, elevations maps and views and landmarks.
- Jamestown, Rhode Island Historic USGS Maps - Maps of Narragansett Bay made in 1892, 1942 j and 1944 showing parts of Jamestown, Rhode Island.
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