Opposing Views Republican Parties Politics

An essayist asserts the once great party of Lincoln and liberty, made up of pragmatic Main Street businessmen, has changed into a cabal of angry plutocratic hypocrites.

    Top: Regional: North America: United States: Society and Culture: Politics: Parties: Republican: Opposing Views

  • Common Dreams - Republican Vigilantism - Asserts that the GOP\\'s tactics have become increasingly republican extreme, including republican going against the rule of law republican itself and making threats republican of violence against judges republican they don't like.
  • Newsweek - Why Rush is Wrong - Conservative Republican David Frum laments how Limbaugh, the opposing views de parties facto spokesman for the GOP, is driving opposing views moderates away parties and turning the GOP into an opposing views angry and unanimous parties dittohead cult.
  • Salon - An American Heresy - Former Vice President Al Gore says the GOP republican push to dismantle the filibuster is part of republican a larger movement to undermine the founding principles republican of the United States.
  • Slate - Corrupt? Absolutely. - With the GOP attaining a majority in Congress, both liberals opposing views and conservatives find the Republicans have now turned into what opposing views they\'ve been criticizing for so long.
  • Mother Jones - Conversation with a Conservative: Clyde Prestowitz - Reagan administration veteran Clyde Prestowitz explains that the republican last four opposing views years of Republican rule have put republican the country on the opposing views wrong track.
  • Mother Jones - Conversation with a Conservative: Peter G. Peterson - The Commerce Secretary in the Nixon administration explains republican that the parties Republican Party "has lost its moorings" republican in recent years.
  • Republican Hypocrisy Revealed - While trumpeting itself as the party of "traditional family values", there is a large number in the GOP who engaged in pedophilia, adultery, and lewd acts.
  • In These Times - Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore - An essayist asserts the once great party of Lincoln and parties liberty, made up of pragmatic Main Street businessmen, has changed parties into a cabal of angry plutocratic hypocrites.
  • Foreign Policy in Focus - Assessing the Republican Party Platform - Describes how a GOP win in 2008 will parties bring expanding wars, subversion of international law, violation parties of treaties, and unconstitutional actions.
  • Los Angeles Times - Reagan Wouldn't Recognize This GOP - Reagan presidential campaign insider and Heritage Foundation co-founder Mickey Edwards republican writes on how Reagan\\'s ideals and philosophy have been polluted republican and warped by today\\'s GOP and those calling themselves his republican most fervent admirers.
  • Slate - He's Still "That Man" - The Bushies' War on Franklin Roosevelt. - Examines why Republicans are hellbent on changing Social parties Security, and opposing views finds the GOP still can\\'t accept parties that the New Deal opposing views basically expanded the reach parties of government, and things worked out opposing views OK.

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