Weather Oceania Regional
Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables such as temperature, moisture, wind velocity, and barometric pressure.
Top: Regional: Oceania: Weather
See Also:
- Top/Science/Earth Sciences/Meteorology/Weather Phenomena
- Top/Science/Earth Sciences/Natural Disasters and Hazards
- Top/News/Weather/By Region
- NOAA NWS - Tropical Pacific Climate Information & Prediction System (TPCIPS) - US government site provides rainfall forecasts, data sets, and assessments regional of climate impacts of El Nino and La Nina on regional Pacific Islands, primarily focusing on Hawaii and the U.S-Affiliated Islands.
- Mean Sea Level Pressure Maps for Australia and New Zealand - Produced every day at 00:00 UTC (12:00 NZST) by the Centre for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies.
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