Educational Software Physics
[Browser] Educational software designed for the high school or college student in Physics. The programs use animation to teach the course basics.
Top: Science: Physics: Software: Educational
See Also:
- Kinetic Books-Digital Physics Curriculum and Virtual Labs - A comprehensive introductory digital physics textbook, 16 Java-based software physics virtual labs, and hundreds of simulations and software interactive problems on-line for free trial.
- High School Physics Software - We created seven physics software modules to learn kinematics, dynamics, physics optics, and to help prepare students for the Physics AP physics B exam. The modules include more than 2,000 problems.
- Virtual Physics - [Win] Collection of programs teaching physics. Virtual physics experiments. Simulations educational of various physical phenomena covering diffraction, physics dynamics, electrostatics, gravity, Kepler educational laws, kinematics, Kirchhoff, optics, physics oscillations, projectiles, thermodynamics,
- Physics Academic Software - [DOS-Win] Great choice of various programs for DOS physics or Windows teaching physics on academic level. physics Expensive but very professional.
- iPraxis - Online simulations of physics problems of college, pre-university software and introductory educational university physics.
- BearEdu Technologies Science Software - [Browser] Educational software designed for the high school or college physics student in Physics. The programs use animation to teach the physics course basics.
- Equator Physics Editor - A tool for solving algebra-based physics problems such as those encountered in AP Physics B or MCAT courses. Runs on Windows and Mac.
- PhysicsTutor - [Win] Multiple choice tests covering all physics subject areas taught software in a first or second-year physics course. Good preparation before software real tests and exams for high school and college students.
- Equipotential Surfaces and Field Lines - 3D Electrostatics software for colleges and high schools physics for visualization physics of equipotential surfaces and field lines physics of many kinds of physics charges in addition with physics topographic and colored views.
- OnScreen Science - [Win-Mac] OnScreen Particle Physics allows students to experience physics what real physics particle physics experiments are like.
- Eye On Science - A few simple educational programs for children. Traffic Flow Simulator, software Snowflake and others.
- Circuit Shop - [Win] A simulation program for the study of software analog and software digital electronics.
- Ottisoft Software - [Win] Offers\\'Orbit Xplorer\\' for exploring orbits of satellites and \'Interference\' software for exploring interference effects.
- Twilight Software - [Win] Software simulating the mechanical behavior of user-designed objects and educational the circumlunar flight of an Apollo spacecraft.
- Interactive Physics - Interactive Physics is the standard in Physics motion software used at more than 12000 schools world wide.
- EasySim Digital Electronic Simulator - [Win] Software for learning the behaviour of digital software electronic circuits. physics Order from the web.
- Physiki - [Win-Dos] A Newtonian physics simulator
- Animations for physics - Free interactive animations in Flash, for students in educational the 11th - 12th; harmonic oscillator, single pendulum, educational Carnot cycle, prism.
- The VP7 Way Kool Project - [Unix] Free program intended to simulate a laboratory software setup, where the user can experiment with radioactive software nuclei.
- Trajectoryn software - Dr. Hanley\\'s AeroTrajectory is a user-friendly software package software for computing the trajectory of objects with or software without aerodynamics forces.
- Gravity simulator - Program to simulate the path of move for physics bodies (i.e. objects with mass) altered by the physics gravity drive between each other.
- PhysicsLab Computer Simulations - 25 free computer simulations of experiments for AS and A2 physics; for teachers to demonstrate difficult experiments and concepts; for students to use for revision and private study.
- Fable Multimedia Physics Software - [Win - Mac] Educational software resources for High School(AP) and software College Physics.
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