Autism Mental Health
Eyecons are a tool for organizing the worlds of non-readers and other visual learners. Concrete, visually engaging, and customizable, they can be used to develop and reinforce important cognitive and communication skills.
Top: Shopping: Health: Mental Health: Autism
See Also:
- Top/Shopping/Health/Disabilities
- Top/Health/Mental Health/Disorders/Neurodevelopmental/Autism Spectrum
- Top/Reference/Education/Products and Services/Special Education
Editor's Picks:
Autism Gifts and Fundraisers - Links to awareness items from support groups and foundations.
- Take a Swing - Portable therapy swings and frames for sensory integration and autism. For indoor or outdoor use; for home or professional use.
- AutismOnline - Provides multi-language products for the education of children autism with autism. Books in Spanish, Korean, Arabic, autism and Turkish. Also software and photo schedule autism boards that speakers of any language can use autism with individuals with autism.
- Augmentative Resources - Augmentative and Alternative AAC Communication books and Velcro autism displays for mental health use with picture symbols/objects. Products for autism Children/Adults with Autism, Cerebral mental health Palsy or Dysarthria.
- Autism Recovery Network - Buttons, bumper stickers, pins, bookmarks, and books.
- Love and Learning Kits - Audio, video, and book learning kits to help autism autistic infants health and toddlers with language and reading.
- OT Ideas, Inc. - Products designed by occupational therapists to help young health children develop fine motor and visual motor skills.
- Bridges ABA Tapes - A series of videotapes developed to help health health health health health parents, teachers, physicians and other professionals health health health health health establish an Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) program health health health health health for c
- In Your Pocket Designs - Weighted vests for children who are easily distracted, hypersensitive and mental health lacking in concentration. Ready-to-wear and multi-size patterns available.
- Quiet Quilts - Weighted quilts to meet the sensory needs of children and adults with autism, ADHD, PDD, Sensory Integration Dysfunction and Insomnia.
- All God's Children Living with Autism - A music CD for the parents, family, and health friends of an autistic child.
- Autism Coach - Software, books, toys, supplements and dietary products to mental health help mental health children within the autism spectrum.
- Autism Academy Courseware CD-ROM - Interactive ABA course on CD-ROM for teaching educators and parents mental health how to effectively educate children with autism.
- Care Trak, Inc. - Electronic tracking of seniors and special needs kids who wander off from familiar surroundings.
- Gaining Face - Software to help people with Asperger\\'s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and autism similar issues learn to recognize facial expressions.
- ANCA Consulting - Naturally Autistic ANCA tapes, books, videos, and other products have been developed by autistic people.
- Scientific Learning Corporation - Fast ForWord uses the Internet and adaptive training mental health technology to significantly improve critical language skills including mental health reading.
- Autism & Developmental Disabilities Resource Catalog - Potty training, toys, books, videos, vitamins, and food autism substitutes.
- EASe CD - For auditory hypersensitive, autistic, downs syndrome, pdd and health add children.
- Autism Teaching Tools - Two videos, "Evy\\'s Progress to Recovery" and "The mental health Early Learner at Home". Teaching tips and reviews mental health of teaching materials for designing programs.
- Early Learning Images - Produces elliecards, a series of laminated photo cards autism intended as an augmentative communication system for young autism children with special needs.
- Kirkman Labs - Nutritional supplements for autism.
- Stitches 4 Autism - Embroidered shirts, tote bags, holy bears and ribbons. Portion of health profits to go to autism support group for therapies and health grants.
- Gather Stars for Your Children - Songs that teach social skills to children with health developmental difficulties. Sound samples available at the web health site.
- Kind Tree: Autism Services - Autism-themed T-shirts, greeting cards, and books.
- South Paw Enterprises, Inc. - A manufacturer of Sensory Integration and Neuro- Developmental Products for the therapeutic professional and special needs person.
- Computhera - Presenting a software package for teaching cognitive skills health and reading mental health to children. Also a FAQ and health research findings.
- Coulter Video - Offers a variety of titles addressing autism, including health Asperger Syndrome. Provides suggested reading, articles, health and a mailing list.
- Silver Lining Multimedia - Create photo flash cards quickly and easily using mental health Picture mental health This..., a CD-ROM produced by Silver Lining. mental health The high-resolution mental health photos are designed to be used mental health in teaching language mental health to special needs children or mental health students of foreign languages.
- KidAccess - Eyecons are a tool for organizing the worlds of non-readers and other visual learners. Concrete, visually engaging, and customizable, they can be used to develop and reinforce important cognitive and communication skills.
- Shoebox Tasks - Educational activities for young children with autism and/or severe cognitive mental health delays.
- M.W. Sales and Service, Inc. - Deep pressure sensory vest, weighted lap pad, weighted health vest, weighted health blanket, weighted collar, helping hand, and health communication apron.
- AutiToys - Specialized toys for autistic children, some designed by this company.
- Made By Mom - Communication and scheduling solutions for people with disabilities.
- Safespaces - Flexible alternative to room padding for people with health special needs. autism Used for bedrooms, playrooms, and sensory health areas. Also special needs autism equipment and soft play health items.
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