Software Genealogy Society
Shareware genealogy software for Macintosh to store family data, print family trees and pedigree charts, and create web pages from database.
Top: Society: Genealogy: Software
See Also:
- Gramps - Open source genealogy program for Linux written in software Python. Graphical software user interface.
- Family Historian - Family tree program offering complete diagram capabilities.
- GDBI - Gedcom DataBase Interface - GDBI is an add-on for 3 other programs: genealogy phpGedView, GenealogyJ, society and jLifelines. It provides an editor genealogy similar to Brother\\'s Keeper society and the LifeLines report genealogy system.
- Genealogy Browser - Genealogy themed web browser that automatically finds genealogy society links, resources, software directories, searchable databases and other genealogy society related websites.
- Family Tree House - Genealogy software accessible by the internet only which will create an online family tree.
- Reunion - Full-featured Macintosh-based genealogy software.
- Ancestral Author - Windows program to document genealogical research. Creates hyperlinked Adobe PDF software files from GEDCOMs, text files, images, and other user input.
- GenealogyJ - Viewer and editor for genealogic data written in Java.
- Family View - Two part shareware genealogy program for Windows. Includes pedigree and society descendant charts, and photo album.
- Ages - Family tree shareware which features multi-page tree printouts.
- RootsMagic UK - Create a wallchart, publication or website. Includes genealogy society resources, PAF genealogy import, GEDCOM 5.5 import and export, society and LDS support.
- The Genealogy Timeline - Genealogical and Historical Timeline software. Merges historical society information with software family data.
- Roots - Written by Alex Waugh, this shareware program allows genealogy you to genealogy keep track of family trees in genealogy a graphical format. (RISC genealogy Operating System only).
- jLifeLines - Java-based version of LifeLines, an open source genealogy software program that genealogy runs on UNIX, Linux and Windows. software Includes new user interface.
- Genealogia - Italian software for genealogy.
- Kachelmann Genogram-painting Shareware - Kachelmann creates diagrams in a fix matrix of cells. Icons genealogy or text may be placed into the cells. Output genealogy may be saved as jpg or html. A Java genealogy jre 1.4 is needed.
- Genealogy Software News - Genealogy software news and information.
- WinFamily - Windows-based program with the capability to generate HTML genealogy output.
- LifeLines - Open source genealogy program that runs on UNIX, genealogy Linux society and Windows.
- GeneaPro Project - Coordination for GeneaPro software development. GeneaPro is genealogy open source, cross platform, genealogy software based on genealogy the GenTech data model.
- Legacy Family Tree - Popular full-featured family history software available for free by download.
- Spansoft - Kith and Kin Genealogy Software - SQL-based program for software package for storing, interrogating and documenting family trees.
- Agelong Tree - Software intended for building family trees, processing information about relatives software and events in their lives.
- Ancestral Quest - Genealogy program that reads PAF files in directly. software Features available genealogy include multimedia capabilities, advanced search and software filtering.
- The Springhill Heritage Group - A CD-ROM and book featuring Joseph Moss\\'s diary society of vital statistics for the Springhill, Nova Scotia society area from 1918 to 1976.
- FamilyMatters - Microsoft Access database program for documenting family history and generating a family tree web site.
- Software Figures - Web-based genealogy software programming.
- Genbox Family History - A windows application for managing family genealogy research software and producing society charts and reports. Output to image software formats, RTF, HTML, and society GEDCOM.
- GenoPro - Software for creating graphical family trees and genograms. society Displays a society complete graphical representation of the genealogy society tree, both ancestor and society descendants at once.
- !Family - BASIC program to maintain a family tree. Uses society the worldwide genealogy standard GEDCOM file format to store society information. (RISC Operating System genealogy only).
- GeneWeb - Freeware with a Web interface which can be used off-line software or as a Web service.
- phpmyfamily - Genealogical website builder - An interactive, dynamic genealogical website builder utilizing php/mySQL. Opensource software. software Allows users to import GEDCOM files, upload and share software images and document transcripts.
- My Family Tree - Windows-based genealogy software to create family trees.
- Ancestor+ - A commercial RISC OS application for recording family genealogy trees. Capable of importing and exporting GEDCOM files, genealogy and to HTML.
- Ultimate Family Tree - Support for discontinued Ultimate Family Tree software.
- My Roots - Genealogy software for Palm OS handheld computers. Features include importing society from or exporting to a GED file, sorting, filtering, Soundex society support, ancestor trees, and descendant trees.
- Family Historian User Group Portal - Web portal for users of Family Historian software.
- GenSmarts - Genealogy Search/Research Software - Generates and tracks research to-do lists, links to genealogy online records, society prints worksheets, and helps plan research genealogy trips.
- The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding - Eliminates the need for multiple HTML pages by genealogy managing and displaying genealogy data on the Internet genealogy using PHP and MySQL. Includes range of reporting genealogy features plus GEDCOM import and export.
- Family Origins - Windows-based genealogy program geared to users with large software databases. Extensive reporting features.
- Brother's Keeper - Windows shareware program to organize family history and software print a variety of charts and reports.
- Taurus FamilyTree - Java application for storing, browsing and plotting genealogical information. Reads FTML, Gedcom and CSV file formats. Plots both ancestor and descendant trees, as well as timelines.
- RWAP Software - Provides QL Genealogist for the Sinclair QL range of computers, society and Genealogy for Windows.
- The Master Genealogist - Family history project manager for DOS and Windows genealogy from Wholly society Genes Software.
- GEDitCOM - Macintosh shareware for editing and viewing genealogy files. software Features customizable user interface.
- Genealogy Template File - Based on Azz Cardfile software, with ability to add images, print and export data.
- Famtree - Offers genealogy software which works out relationships, displays photos, stores society notes and data sources, and also saves charts as web society pages and text files.
- Family Tree Legends - Intelligently links ancestors with SmartMatching and utilizes Real-Time software Internet Backup genealogy and Publishing.
- JandL Software's Genealogy Reference - The JandL Software\\'s Genealogy Reference is an easy society to use software way to organize your genealogy research society data.
- RootsMagic - Full-featured Windows genealogy program by FormalSoft. Includes family software history reports, genealogy multimedia support, research tools, and is software capable of generating web genealogy sites from data.
- Gene - Shareware genealogy software for Macintosh to store family data, print society family trees and pedigree charts, and create web pages from society database.
- Pfat Daddy's Web Site - Home of Origin\'s software for recording your family tree.
- WonderWare - Generates genograms and ecomaps from text input. Allows travel in society time with family and community.
MySQL - Cache Direct