Religion Social History By Topic History
Educates visitors about the history of religion, using art and artifacts from a variety of world cultures and time periods.
Top: Society: History: By Topic: Social History: Religion
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
Virtual Religion Index - Large link collection from Rutgers University, categorised by religion. Also includes resources for ancient religions, archaeology, philosophy, sociology of religion, and psychology of religion.
- Bible Chronology - From Creation through the sacking of Jerusalem in AD 70.
- International Association for the History of Religions - Includes information about affiliate organizations, news, past and planned conferences.
- Important Dates in the History of Religion - Chronology from BC to 1965 of persons and by topic events.
- The History of the Flood - An article by Zeeshan Hasan, 2003.
- Common Origins of the Biblical Names - An article by Igor Garshin with references.
- History of Religions - Print journal. Subscription information and table of contents social history only.
- World Scripture - Comparative anthology of sacred texts: 4000+ passages from major religions, by topic thematically organized.
- History of the Daughters - A compilation of the history of the Epoch (Vol. 1-4) (c.1935 BCE - 44CE) as reported by primary ancient ecclesiastical and secular writers, being Old Testament Scribers.
- Glencairn Museum - Educates visitors about the history of religion, using social history art social history and artifacts from a variety of world social history cultures and social history time periods.
- Brigham Young University: Center for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts - Plans to archive and publish photographic and digital social history editions. Organizational information and specific projects.
- The Material History of American Religion Project - A project (1995-2001) focusing on material objects and economic themes.
- IVP Concise Dictionary of Religion - E-text of first edition; sales of printed second by topic edition.
- What Is Religion and How Did It Exist - Brief article with links to with link to populations of major religions and pie chart.
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