Facilitated Communication Autism Conditions and Diseases Health

An essay on FC including its history, the controversy, validation studies and commentary from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance.

    Top: Society: Issues: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Autism: Facilitated Communication

  • Facilitated Communication: All Sides of the Issue - An essay on FC including its history, the facilitated communication controversy, autism validation studies and commentary from the Ontario facilitated communication Consultants on autism Religious Tolerance.
  • Exploring Facilitated Communication - Article published in the September 1995 "The Rocky Mountain Skeptic" conditions and diseases addressing the issue of FC being used as the basis conditions and diseases for allegations of physical or sexual abuse by a parent conditions and diseases or caretaker.
  • Skeptic's Dictionary: Facilitated Communication - An essay describing the pros and cons of FC with facilitated communication links to testimonials and research.
  • Facilitated Communication Institute - A current schedule of upcoming activities including research, facilitated communication public autism education, training and scholarly seminars at the facilitated communication Institute as autism well as the full text of facilitated communication conference keynote speeches autism by FC users.

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