Iran Middle East Regional Human Rights and Liberties

Based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah and compiled by eminent Muslim scholars, jurists and representatives of Islamic movements and thought.

    Top: Society: Issues: Human Rights and Liberties: Regional: Middle East: Iran

See Also:
  • US State Department - 1998 Human Rights Report: Iran - 1998 report on the current status of human rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor and working conditions.
  • US State Department - 1997 Human Rights Report: Iran - 1997 report on the current status of human middle east rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political middle east rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor middle east and working conditions.
  • US State Department - 2000 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2000 report on the current status of human rights practices iran including human freedoms, civil liberties, political rights, international investigations, discrimination, iran worker rights, child labor and working conditions.
  • Committee for Humanitarian Assistance to Iranian Refugees - Organization of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers. Newsletter, fact sheets and contact information.
  • Iranian Refugees Alliance - Promotes the human rights of Iranian refugees and asylum seekers iran internationally. Contains many documents issued by various international and national iran bodies on human rights in Iran.
  • - Site dedicated to Mr. Abbas Amir Entezam, longest middle east held political prisoner in Iran. Includes biography and middle east photos.
  • US State Department - 2006 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2006 report on the current status of human regional rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political regional rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor regional and working conditions.
  • Human Rights Watch - Iran - Reports, background briefings, testimony, press releases and commentary on the human rights situation in the country.
  • International Federation of Iranian Refugees - Organizes protests supporting Iranian refugees and publishes Hambastegi iran (Solidarity), a bimonthly publication promoting this mission.
  • US State Department - 2002 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2002 report on the current status of human regional rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political regional rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor regional and working conditions.
  • Human Rights in Iran - An interview from 1998 with Shirin Ebadi, the middle east first female judge in Iran before the revolution.
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: Iran - Links to United Nations resolutions relating to Iran, middle east reports middle east of the Special Representative on the situation middle east of human middle east rights in the Islamic Republic of middle east Iran, press releases, middle east statements and other documents.
  • Amnesty International - Iran - Ongoing collection of news and reports on the middle east status of human rights.
  • Amnesty International USA - Iran - News, reports and success stories for the country including AI Annual Report entries for the past ten years. [English, Spanish]
  • US State Department - 2003 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2003 report on the current status of human iran rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political iran rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor iran and working conditions.
  • US State Department - 1996 Human Rights Report: Iran - 1996 report on the current status of human middle east rights iran practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political middle east rights, international iran investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor middle east and working conditions.
  • Trial of Iranian Jews Should be Postponed - Human Rights Watch today urged officials presiding over the trial of thirteen Iranian Jews to make public the official charges against the defendants.
  • US State Department - 2008 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2008 report on the current status of human rights practices regional including human freedoms, civil liberties, political rights, international investigations, discrimination, regional worker rights, child labor and working conditions.
  • US State Department - 2007 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2007 report on the current status of human middle east rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political middle east rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor middle east and working conditions.
  • US State Department - 2001 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2001 report on the current status of human rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor and working conditions.
  • I Advocate Reforms - Interview with Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize winner.
  • US State Department - 2005 Human Rights Report: Iran - 2005 report on the current status of human middle east rights iran practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political middle east rights, international iran investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor middle east and working conditions.
  • Organization for Defending Victims of Violence - Tehran-based NGO promoting non-violence and human rights. Weekly iran news releases, middle east monthly newsletter and feature articles.
  • US State Department - 1999 Human Rights Report: Iran - 1999 report on the current status of human iran rights practices including human freedoms, civil liberties, political iran rights, international investigations, discrimination, worker rights, child labor iran and working conditions.
  • Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights - Based on the Qur\\'an and the Sunnah and compiled by eminent Muslim scholars, jurists and representatives of Islamic movements and thought.
  • Mission for the Establishment of Human Rights in Iran (Mehr Iran) - Promotes awareness of the human rights situation in middle east Iran through articles, urgent actions and petitions.

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