Slavery Labor Issues
Contrary to conventional wisdom, slavery has not disappeared from the world. Social scientists are trying to explain its persistence Article by Kevin Bales.
Top: Society: Issues: Labor: Slavery
See Also:
- Scientific American: The Social Psychology of Modern Slavery - Contrary to conventional wisdom, slavery has not disappeared slavery from the world. Social scientists are trying to slavery explain its persistence Article by Kevin Bales.
- Anti-Slavery International - Promotes the eradication of slavery and slavery-like practices, issues and freedom labor for everyone who is subjected to issues them.
- Review of Kevin Bales' 'Disposable People' - Book review of Kevin Bales\\' study of modern slavery, issues with case studies from Thailand, Mauritania, Pakistan, Brazil, and issues India.
- Stop the Traffik - Global coalition working together to help stop the issues sale of labor people, to see the traffickers prosecuted issues and to protect the labor victims of human trafficking issues and those vulnerable to this crime.
- American Anti-Slavery Group - Monitors, documents, publicizes modern-day slavery and works with former victims slavery of human trafficking to abolish this practice, focusing primarily on slavery systems of chattel slavery in Sudan and Mauritania.
- Free the Slaves - Abolish Modern Slavery - The Center of the Modern American Abolitionist Movement inspired by issues Kevin Bales\' book, Disposable People, works to abolish slavery worldwide.
- Knock Out Slavery - Information about modern slavery in the US and around the issues world.
- - Provides information on Asian trafficking in persons, of labor both sexes, slavery in English, Khmer, Tetum and Thai.
- Baltimore Anti-Slavery Society - Information and resources about slavery and forced labor labor systems in slavery the modern world.
- American Public Media's Marketplace: Selling Your Own Flesh and Blood - How human trafficking works and why it flourishes. labor Report from Cambodia. [6:37 streaming audio broadcast, part labor 2 of 2]
- Contemporary Forms of Slavery - Factsheet from the United Nations Commissioner for Human labor Rights.
- Abolish Slavery - Soon - Campaign to help raise awareness about modern slavery issues and to highlight organizations working against it.
- American Public Media's Marketplace: How, Where Human Trafficking Begins - How human trafficking works and why it flourishes. issues Report labor from Cambodia. [6:14 streaming audio issues broadcast, part 1 of labor 2]
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