Phi Alpha Delta Professional Groups Fraternities and Sororities Student

Meet people with the same interests, get advice on different fields of law, and articipate in law related activities, such as Mock Trial competitions.

    Top: Society: Organizations: Student: Fraternities and Sororities: Professional Groups: Phi Alpha Delta

See Also:
  • Phi Alpha Delta - Official Site - A professional service organization composed of pre-law students, phi alpha delta law students, legal educators, attorneys, judges, and government phi alpha delta officials.
  • Phi Alpha Delta - Florida State University - A pre-law fraternity for FSU students who are interested in a career in law and may want to attend law school. The fraternity offers mock trial events, community service, guest speakers and information on the LSAT.
  • Phi Alpha Delta - California State University, Northridge - Pre-Law Chapter - Meet people with the same interests, get advice professional groups on phi alpha delta different fields of law, and articipate in professional groups law related phi alpha delta activities, such as Mock Trial competitions.

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