Dating Violence Domestic Violence Violence and Abuse Issues
The purpose of this booklet is to help young adults understand the dynamics of healthy relationships; signs of controlling relationships; strategies for dealing with dating violence; and resources available to end the cycle of violence. From the West Virg
Top: Society: People: Women: Issues: Violence and Abuse: Domestic Violence: Dating Violence
See Also:
- Making Waves - Educating and involving teens in dating violence prevention activities and dating violence reference materials for teens, teachers, guidance counsellors and administration in dating violence New Brunswick, Canada.
- Empower Me - College based website based in Chapel Hill, NC, domestic violence helping dating violence empower women to believe that love equals domestic violence respect, not dating violence violence. Gives information and resources.
- When Love Hurts - A guide for young women on love, respect violence and abuse violence and abuse and abuse in dating relationships.
- Abuse: Does he tell you he loves you when he's hitting you? - Abuse Information for teens with animations, resources violence and abuse violence and abuse and youth forums.
- GirlsAllowed! - An animated website targeted to girls age 11-14 in an attempt to aid girls in assessing unhealthy and healthy relationships. The goal is to enable girls to identify potentially abusive relationships before they become involved. Requires fast internet co
- Dating Violence - Twisted Love - PBS "In the Mix" video production on Dating domestic violence Violence. dating violence Transcript and ordering information.
- The Breakable Vow - Dating Violence - Information for teens about Dating Violence
- Relationship Violence: Warning Signs and Resources - Information on date rape and domestic violence prevention violence and abuse dating violence including advice on assertiveness, guidelines for men, and violence and abuse dating violence facts about Rohypnol. Survivor-friendly.
- Twisted Love: Dating Violence Exposed Discussion Guide - A discussion guide for the PBS video "In dating violence the violence and abuse Mix," produced to heighten awareness and understanding dating violence of the violence and abuse problem of dating violence, help young dating violence people recognize early violence and abuse signs of trouble, and show dating violence them what they can violence and abuse do to get help.
- Heart of the Family - Informative site for youth led family violence prevention domestic violence and violence and abuse teen dating violence seminars, workshops, retreats, and domestic violence conferences.
- Love Is Not Abuse - Teen dating violence information and resources sponsored by violence and abuse dating violence Liz Claiborne.
- Trust Betrayed, - The purpose of this booklet is to help young adults violence and abuse understand the dynamics of healthy relationships; signs of controlling relationships; violence and abuse strategies for dealing with dating violence; and resources available to violence and abuse end the cycle of violence. From the West Virg
- SafePlace TeenSite - Learn about teen dating violence and sexual assault.Take our quiz domestic violence (English or Spanish) and see if you are in a domestic violence healthy relationship.
- APA: Love Doesn't Have to Hurt Teens - Dating violence information from the American Psychological Association.[PDF]
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