Humor Philosophy Society
This page displays a random thought that somebody else has entered into our thought database. Keep refreshing your page to see a new thought.
Top: Society: Philosophy: Humor
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Editor's Picks:
The Socrates Argument Clinic - Argue with the great philosopher in the style of the Monty Python sketch.
The Cynic's Sanctuary - Online refuge for the world's disgruntled idealists. Includes Cynic Hall of Fame, dark-humored tirades, cynical definitions, and room for your own rants.
- Meaning of Life - Randomly generated quotation and image combinations with the society intent of producing a "quick and dirty" philosophy.
- Everything Else - Eclectic collection of serious and humorous academic disciplines, society including student philosophy philosophical howlers.
- Philosophical Humor - Links to articles collected by David Chalmers.
- What's the meaning of life? - The ultimate question but what is the answer? humor Post your society solution here.
- Hypocrisy Today - Official journal of the American Society of Sociopaths
- Random Thoughts - This page displays a random thought that somebody philosophy else has humor entered into our thought database. Keep philosophy refreshing your page to humor see a new thought.
- Mutant Neuron's Sanctuary, A Haven for Free Thought - Humor as a survival tool. Baby boomer nostalgia, personal philosophy, society weather and earth changes, and parrotheads.
- Ron's Modern Philosophies of a Cynic Page - A site dedicated to the Modern Philosophies of a Cynic.
- Gardon of Eadon - Philosophical cartoons and rants, movie reviews, the Feng society Shui Hippo, society and other fun stuff served with society a dash of dark society humour.
- Department of Philosophistry - Parodies of Wittgenstein (Tractatus Fuselagico-Umbilicus, Philosophical Tribulations) and philosophy Heidegger; some humor serious articles and book reviews on philosophy Wittgenstein.
- The Crazy Philosophy Page! - Fun site proffering answers to questions which have society puzzled mankind society since time immemorial.
- Brain in a Vat - Can bad men make good brains do bad philosophy things?
- Peter's World Domination Quest - A world domination organization dedicated to the overthrow of all society current world governments and the establishment of a totalitarian, Trotskyist, society extremely bureaucratic new world government through political world domination.
- The Keltic Kat - A moggy cat on a crusade to help humor humand embrace society the basic absurdness of life and humor revel in it.
- Fish on a Bike - Everything you ever wanted to know about fish on bikes and how they have enriched our lives.
- Philosophical Clerihews - By Dean Zimmerman.
- Who Wants to be a Philosopher? - Humorous quiz game modelled after "Who Wants to philosophy Be a Millionaire." Also includes The Philosophy Generator.
- Dear Philosopher - Great philosophers offer advice to troubled readers.
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