Advaita Vedanta Religion and Spirituality Society
links to organisations, teachers and resources; excerpts from published books; book recommendations; books and essays by Ananda Wood; teachings of Sri Atmananda Krishna Menon; discourses, book extracts and essays from current teachers and writers; introdu
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Advaita Vedanta
See Also:
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Hinduism/Gurus and Saints/Adi Sankaracharya
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Hinduism/Gurus and Saints/Swami Chinmayananda
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Hinduism/Gurus and Saints/Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sharada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Hinduism/Gurus and Saints/Ramana Maharshi
- Top/Society/Religion and Spirituality/Hinduism
Editor's Picks:
Nonduality: The Varieties of Expression - Introducing Advaita, Gurus, Masters, Teachers, Realizers, Confessors, Poets, Scholars, and nondual scriptures and literature.
- Advaita - A Presentation for Beginners - written by D. Krishna Ayyar, the complete text is available society on-line. Despite claiming to be \\'for beginners\\' this is very society comprehensive covering practically any topic that you might think of. society It is a classical treatment that uses all of the society correct Sanskri
- Strictly Spiritual - tips for evaluating a spiritual teacher for yourself advaita vedanta together advaita vedanta with a personal ratings list.
- Shree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam - Biographical essays on Narayana Guru and a chronological religion and spirituality religion and spirituality list of his writings, some of which are religion and spirituality religion and spirituality also held on-line.
- - This is the website of James Swartz. Many perennial questions advaita vedanta on Advaita are addressed in 12 different categories and opinions advaita vedanta are expressed on a number of issues. Books and essays advaita vedanta may be read on-line or downloaded as PDF files. Some advaita vedanta may be purchased as h
- Ananta Yoga Learning Center - Presents essays, poetry and links which are a religion and spirituality society mixture of Kashmir Shaivism, Patanjali\\'s Yoga and Advaita. religion and spirituality society A number of classics from the scriptures may religion and spirituality society also be viewed on-line or downloaded.
- Ahwan - The Spiritual Approach to Life - A large number of articles based on the lectures of Sri Bimal Mohanty expounding the traditional teaching of Vedanta. Subscription requested for access to further articles.
- List of teachers, gurus and realizers - A comprehensive list, from which most other lists on the web derive. It provides a link to each teacher listed together with their location and a quotation from their teaching.
- Beyond Poetry - Poetry and Poetic Journeys from the personal (the ONE appearing advaita vedanta as many), to the impersonal expression of existence (the seat advaita vedanta of Nothingness).
- Nisargadatta Maharaj - Dedicated to the Advaita Master, Nisargadatta Maharaj and society linked to society the related Discussion Group. Contains quotations society from the books of society his dialogues.
- Advaita Vedanta Library - English translations of all of the principal and religion and spirituality many of the minor upanishads, together with other religion and spirituality major texts such as Bhagavad Gita, Astavakra Gita, religion and spirituality Panchadasi, Brahmasutras and the writings of Shankara.
- Satsang Teachers and Schedules - Advaita Vedanta teacher schedules and web sites
- A Mathematical Theory of Spirituality Based on Advaita Vedanta - A series six papers together formulate a mathematical society theory of spirituality based on Advaita Vedanta. Access society to the papers is possible through links in society this website. A high level summary of the society features and results of the theory is also society provided.
- Pure Silence - Offers pointers to integral spiritual transformation based on a personal society realization of the true self and the practice of silence: society the essence of non duality and all genuine spirituality.
- The End of Seeking - Essays on such topics as our true nature, the ego, society spiritual practice etc. from Mike Graham, who has been influenced society by Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Maharshi and especially \\'Sailor\\' Bob Adamson society (for whom there is a separate section).
- - The most important works of Narayana Guru and Dr. Nataraja advaita vedanta Guru are available on-line, including the former\\'s \\'Darsana Mala\\' and advaita vedanta the latter\\'s commentary on this, \\'The Integrated Science of the advaita vedanta Absolute\\'. There is also a commentary on the Bhagavad Gita advaita vedanta and
- A Course in Consciousness - Quantum theory and consciousness; the metaphysics of non-duality; the end society of suffering and the discovery of our true nature - society an on-line or downloadable book by Stanley Sobottka, professor of society Physics at the University of Virginia.
- East Bay Open Circle - holds meetings each month (Sundays) in Berkeley. These consist either religion and spirituality of a talk by a visiting speaker or meditation followed religion and spirituality by discussion and socializing. The site has some quotations, links religion and spirituality and a calendar of events.
- Maharaj Nisargadatta - primarily related to this teacher, providing quotations, biography, advaita vedanta lineage society and photos and the complete text of advaita vedanta \\'I am society That\\'. There are also other essays advaita vedanta and books on society Advaita in general, including many advaita vedanta of the books by society Ramana Maharshi, Upanishads, Gita advaita vedanta and
- Ashram Vidya Order - Founded by Raphael and teaching in the \\'Primordial religion and spirituality Tradition\\' of Pythagoras, Parmenides, Plato, Plotinus, Lao-tse, Gaudapada, religion and spirituality Shankara and others. Monthly on-line readings from the religion and spirituality Mandukya Upanishad and Gaudapada's karika.
- Satsang Worldwide Info Database - Open database for Satsang contacts. Offers contacts (seekers and teachers), religion and spirituality book recommendations (English and German) and a worldwide list of religion and spirituality teachers, rated for the popularity of their satsangs.
- Advaita Vedanta - An extensive site containing quotations from Sivananda and others, explanations advaita vedanta of key aspects of Advaita, articles by a number of advaita vedanta authors, excerpts from scriptures, glossary of Sanskrit terms, a bulletin advaita vedanta board and links.
- Acalayoga - Devoted to providing information about Ramana Maharshi with advaita vedanta links advaita vedanta to downloads and extracts, up-to-date information on advaita vedanta events and advaita vedanta other relevant thoughts.
- Know Yourself - Offers audio and video downloads of talks and satsangs from religion and spirituality a number of teachers, including Nirmala, Burt Harding, Unmani Liza religion and spirituality Hyde, Catherine Ingram, Gina Lake, Wayne Liquorman, Om C. Parkin, religion and spirituality Bernie Prior, Isaac Shapiro and Metta Zetty. Audios are £6 religion and spirituality fo
- Our Deceitful Senses - Articles, in modern terminology, addressing the topics of perception and the illusory world, dream as a metaphor for waking \\'reality\\' and recognising that we are not the body.
- Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham - More than 1000 pages of information on Hinduism and Advaita. religion and spirituality See their \\'site map\\' for links to everything about Hindu religion and spirituality dharma, together with many articles and tributes to Shankara and religion and spirituality his lineage.
- Satsang - Schedules of teachers holding satsangs and retreats in advaita vedanta the religion and spirituality Netherlands, together with links and quotes.
- - On-line magazine with essays, stories, pictures, and poems religion and spirituality relating to interfaith spirituality since 2000. The focus religion and spirituality is on enlightenment in the context of religion and spirituality Advaita but other non-dual philosophies are also represented. religion and spirituality Edited by Dr. Harsh K. Luthar with ne
- Self-Identity Anonymous - E. J. Shearn\\'s weblog site, with the advaita vedanta topic of 'Getting to the bottom of self'.
- - Dedicated to hosting selected classes of Swami Paramarthananda (a direct religion and spirituality disciple of Swami Dayananda), including some of the ongoing classes religion and spirituality in Chennai. Talks either require a \\'Flash Player\\', which may religion and spirituality be downloaded from the site, or are in real-audio for
- Introduction to Vedanta - Over 90MB of talks in \\'Real audio\\' format religion and spirituality given by Swami Paramarthananda, based upon the Tattva religion and spirituality Bodha.
- Sree Narayana Guru - Biographical details, list of books and other writings, articles and photos. There are also a number of hymns and songs available as mp3 files.
- The Gate Keeper - A comprehensive list of links to websites of past and advaita vedanta present spiritual teachers.
- Advaita Vedanta Anusandhana Kendra - Provides an introduction to the philosophy of Advaita religion and spirituality society and its key proponents with more detail in religion and spirituality society a number of areas. e.g. commentaries have begun religion and spirituality society on Vivekachudamani and Atma Bodha and on Madhusudana\\'s religion and spirituality society Advaita Siddhi. A learned site with some useful religion and spirituality society referen
- Aloha Sangha - Weekly meetings in Honolulu exploring the varieties of religion and spirituality society nondual experience and expression, with emphasis on the religion and spirituality society teachings of Nisargadatta, Sri Ramana, and Zen Buddhism.
- Avadhuta Foundation - Established in 1993 to further the teachings of Sri H.W.L. advaita vedanta Poonja and to make available the archives of his talks advaita vedanta in India. DVDs, videotapes and CDs may be purchased and advaita vedanta there is information about his books.
- - links to organisations, teachers and resources; excerpts from religion and spirituality published books; book recommendations; books and essays by religion and spirituality Ananda Wood; teachings of Sri Atmananda Krishna Menon; religion and spirituality discourses, book extracts and essays from current teachers religion and spirituality and writers; introdu
- Vancouver Satsang - Has details of all of the events around religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Vancouver in Canada.
- Boulder Satsang - Has details of all the events around Boulder, religion and spirituality advaita vedanta Colorado, including kirtan (devotional singing).
- - Information about teachers and details of forthcoming satsangs society and talks in Sweden. Many links to other society sites.
- Mark West - Non Duality - There are numerous articles from Mark West, a disciple of advaita vedanta Nisargadatta Maharaj. There are also audio talks, interviews, several videos advaita vedanta and details of the book \\'Gleanings from Nisargadatta\\' - Talks advaita vedanta with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj transcribed by Mark 1976-77.
- Advaita Fellowship - Advaita teaching of Ramesh S. Balsekar, Wayne Liquorman society (ram tzu) and Nisargadatta Maharaj. Transcripts, audio files society and live webcasts of Wayne's talks.
- The Way of the Bird - A site dedicated to the teaching of Sri religion and spirituality Ranjit Maharaj (co-disciple of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj). Contains religion and spirituality quotations and commentaries for every day of the religion and spirituality year. The complete text may be downloaded as religion and spirituality a pdf file.
- Advaita Vedanta Quotes and Nonduality Quotations - quotations from Floyd Henderson, Nisargadatta Maharaj and Dennis religion and spirituality advaita vedanta Waite.
- Shankara's Crest-Jewel of Wisdom, Vivekachudamani - a new rendition of the version translated by advaita vedanta Charles society Johnston.
- Advaita House Switzerland - There are brief biographies of Ramesh S. Balsekar, advaita vedanta Wayne society Liquorman and Elke v.d. Osten (last in advaita vedanta German) and society many video and audio tapes of advaita vedanta the first two society teachers may be purchased in advaita vedanta VHS/PAL format.
- The Seer - the weblog of Peter Sumner, a spiritual mentor based at religion and spirituality Gurukula in Fremantle, Western Australia, particularly influenced by Eckhart Tolle. religion and spirituality There are frequent updates with extracts from books, topical observations religion and spirituality and comments.
- Flames of Nonduality - Advaita in St. Petersburg, Russia. A number of religion and spirituality society pages in English about the spiritual path of religion and spirituality society Advaita, including some material by Andrew Cohen.
- The Road to pSingularity - An unusual interpretation of Advaita Vedanta in terms religion and spirituality religion and spirituality of the mathematics of the Turing Machine as religion and spirituality religion and spirituality implemented in the Human Genome.
- Papaji Satsang - Extensive biography and pictures of Sri Poonja together with quotation religion and spirituality and video of the week and numerous satsang extracts.
- Reflections India - Dedicated to the understanding and realization of the advaita vedanta truths of life and experiences. Organised by Dr. advaita vedanta Haramohan Mishra, graduate in Sanskrit and doctor in advaita vedanta Advaita Epistemology. On-line magazine with archived articles, details advaita vedanta of published books and links
- Vidya Bharata - Advaita Vedanta Philosophy, Raphael, Tattvaloka, The Mountain Path, advaita vedanta Sringeri society Ashram, both in English and Italian.
- The Philosophy of Advaita Vedanta - Nonduality - Weblog containing article entries related to the philosophy of Advaita advaita vedanta Vedanta as contained in the Upanishads and systematized by Adi advaita vedanta Shankara.
- Swami Rama Tirtha - Contains biographical details and eulogies. \\'In Woods of religion and spirituality society God-Realization\\' is a seven volume compilation of the religion and spirituality society complete works of Swami Rama and this is religion and spirituality society being made available on-line.
- When I awoke - Tales of awakening in various non-dual traditions (though principally Advaita). society Essays from a number of teachers describing their enlightenment experience society and a practical exercise from Ken Wilber.
- 3rd Millennium Gateway - Links to current and past teachers, resources, articles and books. society In addition, there are pages on spirituality, cosmology, religion in society general, new age, frontiers of science, scriptures, social issues and society environment. There are articles, interviews and r
- Divine Life Church of Absolute Oneness - Thoughts on a number of practical problems, including society some audio advaita vedanta files, from Swami Shankarananda, founder of society this church in Baltimore, advaita vedanta Maryland.
- Living Satsang - Interviews (some in Dutch) with various teachers, e.g. religion and spirituality religion and spirituality Arjuna, Neelam, Osho, Isaac Shapiro. Details of forthcoming religion and spirituality religion and spirituality retreats in Holland and events at a \\'satsang religion and spirituality religion and spirituality community' in N. France.
- Vedanga Jyotish - Vedic astrology, tantra, vasthu and philosophy. The latter advaita vedanta page religion and spirituality contains biographical information about and a dialogue advaita vedanta with Atmananda religion and spirituality Krishna Menon.
- S. N. Sastri - S. N. Sastri has translated or commented upon religion and spirituality advaita vedanta a number of key works in Advaita, including religion and spirituality advaita vedanta summaries of the Panchadashi and Vedantaparibhasha. Many of religion and spirituality advaita vedanta these may be downloaded as PDF files and religion and spirituality advaita vedanta there is information on where his published writings religion and spirituality advaita vedanta may be purc
- Amigo - A free Web magazine about Non Duality. There society are articles advaita vedanta by the editor Wolter Keers, a society disciple of Ramana Maharshi advaita vedanta and others such as society Douglas Harding, Krishna Menon and Tony advaita vedanta Parsons.
- Chicago Satsang Sangha - has details of special and ongoing events in Chicago as society well as selcted links. A mailing list is also available.
- The Advaita Vedânta Home Page - A traditional approach to non-dualism, as taught by society as taught society by SankarAcArya and his followers. History, society philosophies, philosophers.
- Vedanta Centre - The centre, near Boston MA, expounds the teachings of Sri advaita vedanta Ramakrishna; provides services and retreats, a library and bookstore. There advaita vedanta are \'Daily Thoughts\' from the writings of Swami Paramananda.
- Swami Advaitananda - Brahma Vidya Ashrama - General information on this guru and his teachings.
- Inner Quest - Articles and teachings from Ranjit Maharaj, Sri Poonja, religion and spirituality Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramesh Balsekar and Chandra Swami; Catalogue religion and spirituality of videos, DVDs and books from various teachers,traditional religion and spirituality and modern, including Ramana Maharshi and J. Krishnamurti; religion and spirituality details of me
- Siddharameshwar Mahaharj - Biographical information for this contemporary of Ramana Maharshi and his advaita vedanta more well-known disciples Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ranjit Maharaj.
- Inner Journey: Spiritual Activities the Easy Way - Dr. N. K. Srinivasan provides introductions to various topics in society advaita, commented extracts from the Bhagavad Gita, instructions on meditation society and some book recommendations.
- Self-knowledge - the weblog of Dr. Shyam Subramanian contains observations based on advaita vedanta traditional teachings but aimed at the modern reader.
- awake essence - Details of events and satsangs in the US religion and spirituality with spiritual teachers Katie Davis and Sundance Burke.
- - Provides the complete writings of Adi Shankara and explains his advaita vedanta doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. Other scriptural texts also available, including advaita vedanta a number of Upanishads, the Vedas and Puranas.
- Seeing-Knowing - The website of Gilbert Schultz, a disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj religion and spirituality and \\'Sailor\\' Bob Adamson. There are numerous articles, audio, videos religion and spirituality and details of his books.
- OM - Notes on Philosophy and Religion. Short observations on aspects of society Advaita interspersed with quotations from Taoism.
- Stillness Speaks - aims to introduce seekers to authentic teachers of advaita, both traditional (Swami Dayananda and James Swartz) and modern (Pamela Wilson and Francis Lucille). There are a number of free PDF downloads of James Swartz's writing, recommended books, a weblog
- Vishal and Alka's Home Page - Information about India, Hinduism, Yoga, meditation, and of course, lots religion and spirituality about our life.
- Sri Ranjit Maharaj - Site dedicated to Ranjit Maharaj and his teacher, Shri Siddharameshwar society Maharaj. There are excerpts from talks, including two in MP3 society format and a program of events.
- Advaitin Homepage - Website for the Advaitin Egroup. In addition to details of the group, FAQ, messages and an invitation to join, there are articles on Advaita, Hinduism, Vedas and Upanishads, and Gita.
- Pathways to Metaphysics - The teachings of Vedanta for \\'novice\\' through to \\'sadhu\\', expounded advaita vedanta by Frank Maiello (egodust), who has been influenced principally by advaita vedanta Ramana Maharshi. A large site, containing much information and valuable advaita vedanta insights.
- Daily Readings - \\'Advaita Vedanta For Today\\' - readings from Ramana Maharshi\\'s Upadesha Saram and the Bhagavad Gita from Aikya Param, who is also a scholar of Sanskrit and includes the Devanagari and word by word translations.
- Who Are You? - If pictures help you to understand new concepts society and you advaita vedanta have the Shockwave plugin Flash 5.0 society installed, this site poses advaita vedanta a set of visually society stimulating questions on the nature of advaita vedanta ourselves and society the world of appearances.
- Robert Adams - A disciple of Ramana Maharshi. This is the website of the \\'Infinity Institute\\', instructed to carry on his teaching following his death in 1997. There are details of events, articles, publications and transcripts. A Home study course is available at $60 p
- Wide Awake Living - the website of Alice Gardner. There are essays, poetry, links and reviews. Influenced by Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti, she offers \'mentoring\' sessions and circulates a monthly Newsletter.
- Dadashri The Gnani Purush - Words of wisdom on a number of subjects from Ambalal society Muljibhai Patel aka Dadashri (died 1988), using the teaching of society \\'Akram Vignam\\', the \\'Elevator Path\'. This teaching now continued by society a disciple.
- Calgary Satsang - Has details of all of the events around religion and spirituality society Calgary, Alberta in Canada. Also a few dialogue religion and spirituality society extracts and book recommendations.
- Heavenly Gardens - Ashtavakra Gita - Word by word translation with advaita vedanta an extensive commentary on this classic of Advaita advaita vedanta Literature.
- The Yoga Vasistha - Some original comments on this ancient text, which provides an advaita vedanta understanding of the nature of reality.
- Papaji-Today's Satsang - "Wake up! You are already Free." Information on Self realized advaita vedanta teacher H. W. L. Poonjaji, affectionately known as "Papaji." His advaita vedanta teacher, Ramana Maharshi, showed him the immovable truth of Self advaita vedanta in which Gods, souls and the Universe appea
- Radiance of Being - the blog of Rodney Stevens. Influenced principally by advaita vedanta John Wheeler, he provides pointers, reviews, questions & advaita vedanta answers and generally expresses observations on \'simply being\' advaita vedanta in the present.
- International Forum for NeoVedantins - A fortnightly E-zine, containing many articles by Dr. religion and spirituality C. S. Shah on Advaita and related topics, religion and spirituality based on the teaching of Ramakrishna.
- A practical approach to Advaita - Introduction to Advaita and how to put the advaita vedanta philosophy to practice in everyday life.
- Krishna Viswaroopam - This is a weblog site with existing entries advaita vedanta based religion and spirituality upon the teachings of the Upanishads and advaita vedanta Swami Vivekananda.
- Vedanta: The Yoga of Objectivity - Neema Majmudar and Surya Tahora, disciples of Swami Dayananda, are the authors of this website. This site gives a detailed presentation of Vedanta and its teaching methodology, with pop-up quotes from relevant scriptures together with articles (in PDF for
- Numii Net - Principally devoted to providing details of teachers, past society and present, society the site also contains articles, stories society of awakenings and a society question and answer section.
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