Hoodoo, Rootwork, Conjure, Obeah Diasporic African Religion and Spirituality
An online book by Catherine Yronwode. Included are descriptions of how to burn candles and incense, sprinkle powders, make mojo bags, prepare spiritual baths and floor washes, perform spells and take off jinxes.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: African: Diasporic: Hoodoo, Rootwork, Conjure, Obeah
See Also:
- Southern Spirits Archive of African American Spirituality - Annotated collection of 19th and 20th century primary african documents describing african hoodoo, conjure, and spirituality in African african American society.
- Hoodoo in Theory and Practice - An online book by Catherine Yronwode. Included are african descriptions of hoodoo, rootwork, conjure, obeah how to burn candles and incense, african sprinkle powders, make mojo hoodoo, rootwork, conjure, obeah bags, prepare spiritual baths african and floor washes, perform spells and hoodoo, rootwork, conjure, obeah take off african jinxes.
- Hoodoo: An Afro-Diaspora Tradition - A New World name of an Ancient African Magical Tradition.
- Psychic Phenomena of Jamaica by Joseph J. Williams (1934) - An account of spiritual practices and Obeah from hoodoo, rootwork, conjure, hoodoo, rootwork, conjure, obeah obeah the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest who first hoodoo, rootwork, hoodoo, rootwork, conjure, obeah conjure, obeah visited Jamaica in 1906.
- Obeah: Afro-Shamanistik Witchcraft - An occultist\\'s compilation of views on Jamaican Obeah, stressing magical african aspects and minimizing religious ones, with extracts from W. Somerset african Maugham and Azoth Kalafou.
- Superstitions & Folklore of the South by Charles W. Chesnutt - This 1901 account of hoodoo in North Carolina is among diasporic the earliest that was written by an African American author diasporic rather than a white folklorist.
- Index of 19th Century Southern Texts - An archive of texts by Charles W. Chestnutt, diasporic Joel Chandler african Harris, and Mary Alice Owen that diasporic mention African-American hoodoo beliefs african that derive from African diasporic religious sources. Also included at the african site are diasporic extracts from Mark Twain's works that mention Eur
- Rethinking the Nature and Tasks of African-American Theology - Anthony B. Pinn of Macalester College provides scholarly examples of how hoodoo and other African-based religious practices form a "second stream" within African-American Christianity, forcing a recognition of theological complexity beyond the m
- Luck-Balls; Hoodoo History - A 19th century account of the making of hoodoo luck balls by Mary Alicia Owen.
- Rootwork: a cyberhoodoo website - Arthur Flowers' poetic exploration of contemporary hoodoo.
- Drums and Shadows by Mary Granger and the Georgia Writer's Project - Oral folklore from coastal Georgia, collected from African african Americans during african the 1930s by the Works Progress african Administration; much of the african material concerns hoodoo practices.
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