Vodou, Vodun, Voodoo Diasporic African Religion and Spirituality
Excerpts from the encyclopedic work on Haitian Vodoun compiled by Estelle Manuel. Vevers, langaj, samples of drum rhythms, and a catalogue of over 2000 songs.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: African: Diasporic: Vodou, Vodun, Voodoo
See Also:
- BBC h2g2 - An Introduction to Vodou: A Traditional African Religion - "Guide" to Vodou as practiced in West Africa, Haiti, and Louisiana, USA.
- Haitian Vodou: Serving the Spirits - Description of the Haitian Vodou tradition, including history, vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic core beliefs, role of clergy, standards of conduct vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic and ways of worship. Also full-color graphics.
- Gede.org - Small but well-designed site which features pages of diasporic information about some of the major Vodou lwa, diasporic and also reviews of books about Vodou.
- Vodun (a.k.a. Voodoo) and Related Religions - Historical and practical information on Vodoun, its panteon, and its rituals, from religioustolerance.org
- New Orleans Mistic -- Magical Primer - FAQ page for this "Spiritual Supplier and Botanica vodou, vodun, voodoo for the African Diaspora, Latin American and Caribbean vodou, vodun, voodoo Religious traditions", based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Gives vodou, vodun, voodoo answers to questions such as, "What is Voodoo?", vodou, vodun, voodoo "How do I kno
- Island of Salvation :: La Source Ancienne - Sallie Ann Glassman\\'s Vodou house in New Orleans, african Louisiana. Explains the mission and goals of the african house, and gives contact information.
- Vodou, voodoo, and western cultural anxieties - Academic article by John Cussans about the misrepresentations african of Vodou vodou, vodun, voodoo in the Western media. Originally presented african as a lecture at vodou, vodun, voodoo the October Gallery, London, african in fall 2000.
- Dahomean Vodoun - The world\\'s oldest Vodoun tradition alive in the vodou, vodun, voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo diaspora.
- Voodoos and Obeahs - Phases of West India Witchcraft - By Joseph J. Williams (1932), e-text from the Internet Sacred diasporic Text Archive.
- Wikipedia - Voodoo - Article about the religion and practice of Voodoo [by whatever spelling] on the Web\'s free and open-edited encyclopedia.
- voodoo-l - Open-membership forum for discussion of New Orleans Voodoo, "with occasional african comparison to Caribbean and African traditions".
- Sacred Arts of Haitian Vodou - "Online companion" to the exhibit hosted by the african American Museum of Natural History, in New York, african from October 1998 to January 1999. Dozens of african full-color images.
- Vodoun ("Voodoo") - Brief description of Vodoun as practiced in Benin, african by a student of Martine de Souza [Research african Manager of The Historic Museum of Ouidah, Benin]. african Page also includes photos and artwork.
- Temple of Yehwe Home Page - The Vodou temple is located in Washington D.C., african and is african an offshoot of Le Peristyle de african Mariani, founded in 1974 african in Mariani, Haiti, by african Max-G. Beauvoir. Information about Caribbean herbology, african as well african as upcoming events and seminars, photos, and a african african discussion
- Remembering Sedley C. Antoine - A biographical memorial to a former hubono or high priest african of the traditional Dahomeyan African Rada Voodoo religious community in african Trinidad, West Indies..
- CityLore Magazine - The Gods Speak English in New York - Subtitled "Haitian Spirits Adjust to Urban Life". Article by Lois Wilcken about Haitian-American Vodouisants in New York City. Black and white photos.[PDF]
- Vodou Across the Water - A discussion forum for people practicing Vodou and living outside diasporic of Haiti. Discussion topics include availability of religious materials, job-related diasporic issues, Vodou in current events.
- New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual Temple Homepage - Website of "New Orleans Voodoo" temple, run by vodou, vodun, voodoo Priestess Miriam Chamani. This temple is influenced by vodou, vodun, voodoo African-American Spiritualism, and Belizean Obeah, as well as vodou, vodun, voodoo by Haitian Vodou.
- arealvoodooclub - Forum ["club"] for discussion on both Haitian Vodou vodou, vodun, voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo and New Orleans Voodoo. Open membership, public archives.
- Voodoo - Website of Jean Kent, a Haitian houngan living diasporic in Florida.
- Windows on Haiti: Wisdom and Beauty in Haitian Vodou - Essay by Dr. Marie-Jose Alcide Saint-Lot, a scholar vodou, vodun, voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo of Haitian popular culture with graduate degrees from vodou, vodun, voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo Brooklyn College and CUNY. This paper first vodou, vodun, voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo presented at the American Museum of Natural History vodou, vodun, voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo in New York.
- The Quick and the Dead -- The Souls of Man in Vodou Thought - Essay by Richard Hodges on the Vodou concept diasporic of "soul." Vodou recognizes three spiritual components which diasporic together with the physical body make up a diasporic man: the ti-bonanj (petit bon ange) "little angel," diasporic gwo-bonanj (gros bon ange) "bi
- TravelingHaiti.com - Voodoo in Haiti. A look at the history diasporic of voodoo vodou, vodun, voodoo and its profound impact on this diasporic island nation. Also maps, vodou, vodun, voodoo photos, and a Creole diasporic dictionary.
- Ozzie's Dominican Voodoun - Voodun in the Dominican Republic / Voodun en La Republica vodou, vodun, voodoo Dominicana
- New Orleans Cemetery & Voodoo Pages - Information on New Orleans Voodoo, with lots of african original photos vodou, vodun, voodoo of New Orleans historic cemeteries. Includes african extensive references with commentary vodou, vodun, voodoo and links to other african New Orleans web sites.
- The New Orleans Voodoo Foundation - Excellent educational resource about New Orleans Voodoo. Includes diasporic an extensive african Voodoo Glossary,Vever Drawings, FAQ page, diasporic and a free service african in which email questions diasporic are answered by Authentic practitioners.
- The traditional religion of Vodun (Voodoo) in Haiti - Collection of scholarly and informative documents, by various authors, on the history and practice of Vodun (Voodoo) in Haiti; part of an even larger site on Haitian history in general.
- New Afrikan Vodun - "Afrikan traditions for New Afrikan people" based upon the ancient Vodun of the Fon and Evhe of Dahomey and Togo, respectively, and the Yoruba of Southwest Nigeria. Some video clips of West African Vodun ceremonies.
- The Vodou Forum - The Vodou Forum is a teaching forum for the discussion vodou, vodun, voodoo of Vodou, herbal magic and healing, and Makaya, Santeria/Lucumi, Palo, vodou, vodun, voodoo Jamaican obeah, etc. Teaching units focus on various "lwa", or vodou, vodun, voodoo spiritual entities, and various concepts in Vodou practi
- Vodou Spirit: Casa Alta Gracia and Vodou Society in New Orleans - Homepage for Casa Alta Gracia, a house of Vodou headquartered african in New Orleans, Louisiana. Includes articles on contemporary Vodou practice african in the US, links, annotated reading lists and descriptions of african Vodou services.
- Carrefour - Discussion group, mainly about Haitian Vodou, but sometimes covering African vodou, vodun, voodoo Vodun and New Orleans Voodoo as well. "Seekers, syncretists, mambos, vodou, vodun, voodoo houngans, longtime practitioners, and those who love us are all vodou, vodun, voodoo welcome!" Public message archives;
- The Vodun phenomenon in Benin - Academic essay on Vodun practices of the Fon, vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic Gun, Mina and Ewe peoples of South Benin.
- Scully Elly's Voodoo Joint - "New Orleans Voodoo" botanica run by a hounsi kanzo (initiated in Haiti). Wide assortment of books, music, ritual supplies, and art. This link takes one directly to the "What is Voodoo" FAQ, rather than the store entrance.
- Haitian Vodoun Culture - Excerpts from the encyclopedic work on Haitian Vodoun compiled by Estelle Manuel. Vevers, langaj, samples of drum rhythms, and a catalogue of over 2000 songs.
- Ezili Konnen - Website of Houngan Gate Sa Daginen. Essays on Haitian diasporic Vodou, descriptions of services, some photos.
- tristatevodou - Discussion group "dedicated to the practice of (Haitian) vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic Vodou in the NY/NJ/CT Tristate Area. vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic All servants of God, Gineh and the Lwa, vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic as well as those who would like to vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic learn more about the religion, are welcome." Open vodou, vodun, voodoo diasporic membership.
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