Divine Science New Thought Religion and Spirituality
Describes the philosophy of the Divine Science religion. Also contains school information, course descriptions, fees, and sources available through home study.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: New Thought: Divine Science
- Symphony of Love - A cyberspace ministry offering articles on Divine Science.
- The Divine Science School - Describes the philosophy of the Divine Science religion. religion and spirituality new thought Also contains school information, course descriptions, fees, religion and spirituality new thought and sources available through home study.
- Divine Science Federation International (DSFI) - A central office for the Divine Science organizations divine science founded by Nona Brooks. Includes information about Divine divine science Science, studies, book lists and member organizations.
- DivineScience.com - Provides links to various Divine Science webs, history of Divine divine science Science and New Thought, as well as links to a divine science variety of helpful resources about Divine Science and New Thought.
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