Kemetic Pagan Religion and Spirituality
Kemetic Orthodox temple dedicated to the restoration of the authentic ancient Egyptian religion, through the study of source texts and Egyptological research.
Top: Society: Religion and Spirituality: Pagan: Kemetic
See Also:
- Akhentef's World - Personal site with information about the gods and kemetic goddesses of religion and spirituality the Netjer. Also general information regarding kemetic Paganism.
- Circle of the Sacred Spirits - An educational site about the teachings and worship of Aset pagan (Isis) Ancient Egypt, and other deities.
- The Land of Kam - Dedicated to the African Diasporic tradition known as the Kametic or ancient Egyptian religion.
- International Network of Kemetics - Organization dedicated to the networking and sharing of religion and spirituality pagan knowledge among the practitioners of the Kemetic Faith, religion and spirituality pagan and to helping facilitate the reconstruction of the religion and spirituality pagan Ancient Egyptian religious practices and culture.
- House of Netjer - Kemetic Orthodox temple dedicated to the restoration of kemetic the authentic religion and spirituality ancient Egyptian religion, through the study kemetic of source texts and religion and spirituality Egyptological research.
- The Living Nuhati - Teachings, devotional practices, prayers, meditation techniques, and faith religion and spirituality philosophy of the Native African, ancient Egyptian faith religion and spirituality culture Nuhati-Am-Nutjeru.
- Those WIly Egyptians ... - Exploration of Kemetic religions with articles, devotions, and kemetic reviews.
- The Temple of The Goddess Bast - Dedicated to the worship of Bast, as well as magic, kemetic healing and other topics.
- Akhet Hwt-Hrw - Temple and school of ancient Egyptian religion, dedicated pagan to the kemetic goddess Hwt-Hrw (Hathor). Information about the pagan religion and culture of kemetic Ancient Egypt, and pagan about courses and services offered.
- Modern Egyptian Ritual Magick - An attempt to modernize the ancient Egyptian religious kemetic systems for kemetic the benefit of the contemporary mystic kemetic and occultist.
- - Information on Seshat, the Kemetic Orthodox Name of Netjer associated kemetic with writing and record-keeping. Also features an online journal.
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