Oceania Schools and Instruction Karate Martial Arts

Focusing on self defence, personal development, self confidence and personal discipline for children. Located in Lindfield, New South Wales, Australia.

    Top: Sports: Martial Arts: Karate: Schools and Instruction: Oceania

See Also:
  • Yoseikan Budo - Based Forrestfield, Western Australia and affiliated to the Australian Karate Federation. History, techniques and grading requirements.
  • Karate for Kids - IOGKF - Focusing on self defence, personal development, self confidence schools and instruction and personal discipline for children. Located in Lindfield, schools and instruction New South Wales, Australia.
  • Ryu Do Karate - Quakers Hill, Australia. Includes club contact information, class oceania times and oceania a terminology page.
  • Yoseikan-Ryu Karate Australia - Features instructor profiles, events calendar, tournaments, and contact information.
  • UWA Kobodo - Training with an emphasis on kihon and kata schools and instruction using a Bo, located in Perth, Western Australia. schools and instruction Weapons, training and photographs.
  • Makoto Ryu Karate Do - Freestlye martial arts in Para Vista, Australia. Gallery, gradings, oceania members, events, links, contact information, club details, founder profile, history, oceania belt ranks and clubs.
  • Okinawa te Karate - Located Aranui, Christchurch New Zealand. History, instructor details and classes.
  • Goshin Ryu Karate Australia - Training locations in Queensland, New South Wales and oceania Victoria. History, oceania events, gallery and kids area.
  • Seido Karate New Zealand Christchurch - Christchurch Dojo is one of two national shibu in New schools and instruction Zealand. Headed by Shuseki Shihan Renzie Hanham.
  • Go Kan Ryu Karate Do - Newcastle branch of an Australian based school teaching oceania the style oceania based on Goju Kai and Kei oceania Shin Kan. Includes information oceania on the style development, oceania dojo locations, class times, contact details, oceania grading requirements, oceania terminology and kata.

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