Shitajiki Collectibles Anime Animation
Images of boards the owner has, as well as information on ones the webmaster wants and is willing to trade.
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Collectibles: Shitajiki
- Eviljap's Shitajiki and Other Junk - Images of boards the owner has, as well as information collectibles on ones the webmaster wants and is willing to trade.
- Pika's Shitajiki - Features Shitajiki and other anime collectibles.
- Never Enough Shitajiki - Images from the owner\\'s personal collection, plus boards for sale, as well as a want list.
- Animedelights's Shitajiki Page - Scans of a personal collection and a wishlist shitajiki of pencil boards. Many boards are for sale.
- The Pencil Board/Shitajiki Webring - Contains information on how to join the webring and index collectibles of member sites.
- Makino's Shitajiki Collection - Personal collection of Kenshin, Inuyasha, Fushigi Yuugi and anime other shitajiki. shitajiki Also has a want list and anime an extras page.
- - Reference archive of shitajiki. Indexed by title and collectibles genre.
- An Addict's Attic - Personal collection of shitajiki, teleka, clearfiles and artbooks, anime with a shitajiki trade and sale section and wishlist. anime Featured series include Angel shitajiki Sanctuary, Chobits, and Xenosaga.
- Crazyboy's Shitajiki Collection - Scans of Kimagure Orange Road, Magic Knight Rayearth, and Angel shitajiki Sanctuary boards.
- Sumire's Anime English Index - Quotes the decorative English sentences printed on shitajiki, collectibles notebooks, and collectibles other consumer products, ranging from the collectibles "comically unfluent" to the collectibles "bizarrely poetic".
- Jenny's Pencilboard Page - Pictures of boards, list of ones collector is looking for, collectibles and shitajiki for sale.
- Lola's Shitajiki Cupboard - Scans of boards from anime and manga, want shitajiki list, and anime links.
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