Mecha Genres Anime Animation

    Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Genres: Mecha

  • Mecha - Information on mecha, characters, and plots from assorted genres series. Includes mecha images and links.
  • Pray to Mecha - Lists of characters and anime which feature mecha, mecha image gallery, genres and links.
  • Mechanized Propulsion Systems - General info on the creation of real, life mecha size mecha.
  • The Mecha Master's Main Page - Robotech, Gundam, Macross Plus and Virtual On links, genres an image gallery, and MIDI archive.
  • Realm of Mecha - Features information on animes and video games related mecha to mecha.
  • GEARS Online - A site dedicated to mecha and other battle machines seen in animes.
  • Mecha and Anime HQ - Profiles, images, and episode summaries for various series, as well as articles, fan fiction, and forum.

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