Magazines and E-zines Literature Arts
Offers a free copy and subscription information for the Sierra Foothills magazine that showcases the talents of the area's artists, photographers and writers.
Top: Arts: Literature: Magazines and E-zines
See Also:
- Hayden's Ferry Review - Arizona State University\\'s award-winning national literary magazine, with magazines and e-zines fiction, poetry, essays, interviews and art.
- Bellowing Ark - Bi-monthly tabloid featuring poetry, short fiction, serialized epics magazines and e-zines and novels. Submissions, subscriptions, and online issues.
- Universal Citizen - A quarterly non-fiction journal with a real-world, hands-on magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines approach.
- Sensations Magazine - NJ-based literary review of poetry, fiction, and thematic literature research. Submissions, literature subscriptions, and event information.
- Provincetown Arts - Annual journal focusing broadly on artists, performers, and arts writers who magazines and e-zines inhabit or visit Cape Cod. Submission arts and subscription information available.
- One Story - Publishing one short story every three weeks. Submission guidelines, how to subscribe, excerpts of past stories, and information on their readings.
- Thereby Hangs a Tale - Biannual print journal with theme issues. Includes essays, literature fiction, interviews, magazines and e-zines lists, photos, and how-to\\'s. Site has literature web-only content, submission and magazines and e-zines subscription info.
- Night Train - A biannual print magazine of literary fiction.
- spork - Journal of innovative writing.
- The Deepening - Short stories from all fiction genres. Subscriptions, submissions, literature online issues, arts and a weblog.
- Prism International - Established in 1959, publishes new and established writers from around literature the world.
- Kenyon Review - Publishes emerging writers, especially from diverse communities.
- Absinthe - Literary journal publishing contemporary European writing in English translation. Online arts issues, subscriptions, submissions, and contacts.
- Chiron Review - The website of the Pushcart Prize-winning literary magazine magazines and e-zines arts includes several sample poems.
- Permafrost - Yearly international journal for the arts. Current and back issues, subscription and submission information, and contest guidelines.
- Rosebud Magazine - Quarterly magazine of poetry and short stories.
- The American Poetry Review - Bimonthly issues of original poetry, literary criticism, interviews, magazines and e-zines essays and social commentary.
- Hobart - Sporadically published journal of fiction, art and reviews. Submission and literature subscription information and online excerpts.
- Maelstrom - The web supplement to a hard-copy magazine. Includes arts poetry, short fiction, comics and "poetography".
- Yellow Silk: Journal of Erotic Arts - International journal of fine arts, photography, fiction, poetry, magazines and e-zines and essays. Archives only.
- Like Water Burning - Featuring fiction and non-fiction in varying lengths and forms. Online literature stories, submissions, and order information.
- Trepan - Online and print journal publishing thematic poetry and short fiction. Ordering information and submission guidelines.
- Orleans Review - Online and print quarterly of contemporary literature. Writing samples, submission information, and links.
- Topic Magazine - A quarterly journal of original non-fiction. Includes excerpts arts from each literature issue plus online extras.
- The Columbia Review - Annual literary journal of Columbia University. Includes some magazines and e-zines arts back issues in PDF format.
- Oyster Boy Review - Current issue, submission guidelines, subscriptions, and links.
- The Goose Magazine - Absurdist Harvard literary zine, in print and online, literature publishing fiction and art. Past issues available in literature PDF format.
- Spires - Intercollegiate literary and arts magazine based at Washington University. Current and back issues, submissions, subscriptions, and links.
- VerbSap - Online magazine anthologized in print, featuring concise prose and nonfiction writing. Stories, contest and submission information, and anthology orders.
- Earth Stories - Quarterly literary newsletter published by Pachamama Press focuses on themes magazines and e-zines of people\'s connection with nature. Online and print versions available.
- The Beloit Poetry Journal - Samplings of poetry and reviews, subscription and submission literature information, news, arts and on-line discussion of the quarterly literature publications works.
- The SiNK - Submission guidelines, subscription information, contact names, and excerpts.
- Tickled by Thunder - Publishes fictional magazine and chapbooks. Includes details arts of products, magazines and e-zines services, and writing contests.
- Attic - Literary journal of the Maryland State Poetry and magazines and e-zines Literary Society. Submission and contest information.
- Open Minds Quarterly - Featuring the writing of survivors of mental illness. Subscriptions, submissions, and contests.
- Cabinet Magazine - Showcasing conceptual art, literature and essays. Issue samples, news, purchasing magazines and e-zines and submission information, and themes.
- Clamor Magazine - A magazine of politics and culture.
- Flyway Literary Journal - Iowa State University\\'s professional literary journal. Samples, contests, submissions and subscriptions.
- Chelsea - Publishing literature with an emphasis on translations, art, and cross-cultural exchange since 1958. Current issue, submission and subscription details, and the Chelsea Award for Poetry.
- Conjunctions - Publisher of new fiction, poetry, art, and interviews. arts Samples magazines and e-zines from past issues, author index, and arts submission guidelines.
- Sunken Lines - Poetry and prose from the Delaware Valley, published magazines and e-zines literature quarterly online and yearly in print. Online edition, magazines and e-zines literature submissions, and archives.
- Boston Review - The online version of the print magazine which magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines has been, since 1975, an award-winning forum for magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines political, cultural and literary ideas.
- Chain - Journal of experimental and cross-genre writing. Subscriptions, submissions magazines and e-zines arts and links.
- The White Crow - Poetry and short fiction selections from the print arts publication.
- Ascent Aspirations - Online and print quarterly review of short fiction magazines and e-zines and poetry. Current issue, archives, submissions and contests.
- Salt Fork Review - The website for a small literary tabloid publishing magazines and e-zines original fiction, poetry, and non-fiction, has submission and magazines and e-zines ordering information.
- Four Hundred Words - Small journal of micro-narrative fiction. Submission guidelines, literature excerpts from arts current issue, and a list of literature shops that carry the arts publication.
- Blood Ink - Quarterly student literary magazine at the University of literature Alberta. Submissions, arts issues, and call for volunteers.
- The Believer Magazine - Advertising free magazine features essays, book reviews, interviews ,charts, uncopyrighted ideas free for the taking, as well as more timely features that profile the latest in power tools, mammals, motels, lights, and children.
- Words and Pictures - Literary magazine featuring fiction, poetry, commentary, and art. Submission and literature contest information.
- Wordwrights - Nationally distributed magazine of poetry and prose.
- Scrawl - A magazine and companion webzine dedicated to writers and readers arts of literature, includes interviews and features highlighting the importance of arts the written word.
- Newark Review - A journal for New Jersey authors and artists, with poetry, magazines and e-zines prose, and images.
- The Literary Saloon - Opinionated commentary weblog on literary matters, from the Complete Review.
- Transmission - Manchester, UK magazine publishing short stories, articles, and literature artwork. Sample writing, submissions, and sales.
- Space: New Writing - Literary annual published by Whitmore Press. Issue archives, arts submissions, orders, and links.
- Evergreen Review - Offers classic Beat stories and articles as well arts as the magazines and e-zines latest cutting edge literature and art.
- Bellevue Literary Review - Journal of humanity and human experience. News, literature how to submit a manuscript, and an events literature calendar.
- Backwards City Review - Greensboro, North Carolina journal publishing fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, comic-lit and graphic narrative, and art. Submissions, subscriptions, contests, and a weblog.
- Zyzzyva - Website of the internationally noted literary magazine.
- Barrelhouse - Featuring fiction and poetry from new and established arts writers. On literature the site: new fiction, submissions guidelines, arts and the literary dodgeball literature challenge.
- Hunger Magazine - Award winning international journal with a bent for literature forms of arts language and image experiments with an literature edge.
- The Threepenny Review - The web site for the prestigious quarterly literary literature magazine features selections from past and current issues, literature a gallery of cover art, a message from literature the magazine\'s editor, subscription and advertising instructions.
- The Oxford American - Writing and art from or about the South. Published bimonthly.
- StoryQuarterly - The website of StoryQuarterly magazine includes short stories, magazines and e-zines a table of contents for each issue, subscription magazines and e-zines and submission information.
- Corbeled Gallery - An independent print literary magazine, available from magazine magazines and e-zines arts distributors.
- Overland - Leftish literary journal published in Australia. Subscriptions, submissions, magazines and e-zines literature current issue and schedule of events.
- Philadelphia Stories - Literature, poetry, essays, and true stories of the magazines and e-zines arts Delaware Valley. Published quarterly.
- Grain Magazine - "The freshest poetry and fiction anywhere." Published in arts Canada, but has an international list of authors.
- Brick - Information on the current issue, list of contributors, arts and submission guidelines.
- Bikwil - A bi-monthly magazine available by paid subscription or for download on the net.
- Ballyhoo Stories - A print literary journal with companion Web site magazines and e-zines literature featuring fiction and creative nonfiction.
- The Bellingham Review - A quarterly print magazine available from the Western arts Washington University. magazines and e-zines Samples as well as subscription information.
- Central Sierra Seasons - Offers a free copy and subscription information for the Sierra literature Foothills magazine that showcases the talents of the area\'s artists, literature photographers and writers.
- Harpur Palate - Binghamton University\\'s literary journal, publishing fiction, poetry, and magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines creative nonfiction. Submissions, subscriptions, contests, and samples.
- Zoetrope - Short-fiction magazine founded by Francis Coppola. Features online submissions and arts reviews of short stories and novellas.
- Literary Liaisons - Australian e-zine offering author interviews and profiles, book reviews, and literature news and commentary.
- Raving Dove - Online humanitarian journal; with membership and submission details.
- Caveat Lector - Online version of the magazine dedicated to fiction, literature poetry, philosophy, and the arts.
- New Millennium Writings - A twice-annual journal filled with vibrant imagery and word-craft.
- LURCH - Brooklyn-based magazine featuring original fiction, poetry and art.
- Potomac Review - A quarterly magazine for contributions of poets, writers, literature artists.
- Dislocate - Print and online journal published by graduate students literature at the magazines and e-zines University of Minnesota. Current issue, archives, literature and submission information.
- The Sun - The website contains excerpts from each monthly issue magazines and e-zines literature of the magazine, as well as subscription information magazines and e-zines literature and newsstand locations.
- Night Falls To a Tilted Darkness - This magazine, both on-line and printed is put literature together by arts students in Libertyville High School, and literature features poetry, columns, articles, arts comics, photos, and drawings.
- Grand Street - A quarterly magazine dedicated to art, poetry, short magazines and e-zines stories and non-fiction. Website includes ordering instructions.
- Tin House - A quarterly which publishes fiction, poetry and essays by new magazines and e-zines and established writers: includes samples and subscription information.
- Fence Magazine - Bi-annual litarary magazine give samples of each issue arts online.
- Alaska Quarterly Review - Literary journal devoted to contemporary literary art, publishing arts fiction, short magazines and e-zines plays, poetry, and literary non-fiction in arts traditional and experimental styles. magazines and e-zines Reviews, information on arts the current issue, author index, and magazines and e-zines writers' guidelines.
- Third Coast - A literary magazine published biannually by the Department magazines and e-zines literature of English at Western Michigan University.
- Post Road Magazine - Biannual literary magazine featuring new fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art and literature theatre pieces.
- Pilgrimage Magazine - Twice-yearly publication of literature and art from the magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines American Southwest and beyond. With submission and subscription magazines and e-zines magazines and e-zines information and online samples.
- Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens - Massachusetts-based zine for absurd and surreal fiction and magazines and e-zines literature poetry. Orders, guidelines, and links.
- Atlantic Online - A regularly updated companion web site to the magazine Atlantic magazines and e-zines Monthly. Includes fiction, featured articles and reviews.
- The Chattahoochee Review - Current issue, list of upcoming events, how to literature subscribe, and literature links.
- New England Review - Featuring sample works of fiction, poetry, and nonfiction arts from the magazines and e-zines respected print quarterly, plus submission guidelines arts and ordering information.
- Shenandoah - Literary magazine of the Washington and Lee University, arts publishing poems, arts stories, essays and reviews. Selected works, arts submission guidelines, frequently asked arts questions, and a list arts of annual prizes.
- Problem Child - Penn State\\'s alternative literary magazine. Publishes poetry, arts short stories, photos, drawing, and anything else reproducable.
- Silent Voices - Annual literary journal and nationwide anthology of collected short stories. arts Ordering and submission information, contests, and links.
- Heat Magazine - Australian literary magazine featuring writing by emerging and arts established international writers.
- The Baltimore Review - National journal of poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction. Information on magazines and e-zines their competitions, news, excerpts, and writers\' guidelines.
- Taddle Creek - Canadian literary magazine publishing fiction and poetry by writers from literature across Toronto.
- Open City Magazine - Dedicated to publishing today\\'s best new fiction, poetry, and essays by writers whose bold voices may be too daring and cutting-edge for mainstream publishing.
- The Paris Review - The online edition of the notorious and respected literature literary magazine.
- Outercast - Each issue featuring ten stories from writers all over the literature world. Submissions, ordering, and authors list.
- Numb Magazine - Subscriptions and online excerpts from the arts and literature literature quarterly.
- Painted Bride Quarterly - Online and print annual of poetry, fiction, essays magazines and e-zines arts and art.
- The New Yorker - Online version of the weekly magazine, with current magazines and e-zines articles, cartoons, blogs, audio, video, slide shows, an magazines and e-zines archive of articles and abstracts back to 1925.
- Journal of Experimental Fiction - Online version of the print publication.
- Granta - Quarterly magazine of new writing, with details of the latest literature issue, extracts from back issues, submission and subscription information and literature special features.
- Two Rivers Review - An independent biannual journal publishing contemporary poetry.
- Qwerty - Named after the first six letters on a keyboard. Selections from the print journal.
- CrossConnect - A literary magazine with a complementary website.
- The Florida Review - Internationally circulated literary magazine featuring contemporary fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction by emerging and established writers. With guidelines, subscription information, and the current issue.
- Sleepingfish - Print digest of experimental short fiction, art, and arts visual poetry. Samples, reviews, submissions, and sales.
- Fugue - Online edition of the print journal published by arts the University arts of Idaho.
- Literal Latte - The online version of the New York-based magazine arts of prose, poetry and art, featuring established and arts new writers.
- Swink Magazine - Excerpts of fiction, essays and poetry from the arts magazine, as well as writers\' guidelines and contact arts information.
- Pilgrimage - Personal practical writings reflecting on the human journey, including poetry, philosophy, essays, articles, reflections on the human journey.
- Five Points - Submission guidelines, gallery of past artwork, and sample work from magazines and e-zines the current issue.
- ESC! Magazine - Hybrid print and electronic literary magazine for aspiring writers and artists.
- StringTown - Annual magazine of poetry and fiction available in literature independent bookstores literature throughout the Northwest. Subscriptions, submissions, and literature online samples.
- Harper's - The website of the popular magazine includes the literature Harper\'s Index; literature visitor-submitted statistics.
- River Styx Magazine - A small print journal of poetry, essays and arts art.
- Classic Literature - Includes generic and work-specific articles and links.
- Snow Monkey - An eclectic print magazine published three times a magazines and e-zines year. Fiction and poetry from hardcopy issues, plus magazines and e-zines ordering and submission information.
- Spoon River Poetry Review - A publication of established and emerging poets.
- North Hills Spectrum - Official website of the North Hills annual literary and arts arts publication. Review older issues or, if you are a fellow arts North Hills student, submit your own work to print. Issues arts sold at May Arts Alive.
- The Hinterland Online - An online digest of the freely distributed toronto-based arts lit/art magazine.
- Tulane Review - Information about the biannual publication of the Tulane Literary Society.
- The Poet's Haven - Publishes poetry, artwork, stories, reviews, and essays. literature Also hosts message forums and a chat room.
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