Sustainable Architecture Building Types Construction and Maintenance
A collection of information and sources of materials, assistance, and further research on many aspects of sustainable construction and remodeling.
Top: Business: Construction and Maintenance: Building Types: Sustainable Architecture
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Architecture/Experimental/Sustainable
- Top/Science/Environment/Sustainability/Sustainable Living
- Top/Business/Energy/Consulting
- Top/Business/Construction and Maintenance/Environmental
- Top/Science/Environment/Sustainability/Permaculture
- Top/Science/Technology/Energy/Conservation/Building Energy Efficiency
- Top/Society/Issues/Environment/Sustainable Development
- Top/Science/Environment/Products and Services/Consultants
- Solar Bubble Build - Interior-environment control system that uses liquid bubble insulation, dynamic liquid sustainable architecture cooling, and solar energy collection.
- Green Building at Penn State - A research program in sustainable construction at Penn State University sustainable architecture Department of Architectural Engineering. Includes a multi-university program exploring sustainable sustainable architecture housing solutions for American Indians.
- Noble Home - Manufacturer of custom-designed house kits built with sustainable sustainable architecture methods construction and maintenance and materials.
- LISA: Life Cycle Analysis In Sustainable Architecture - Providers of a life cycle decision support tool to sustainable architecture calculate the environmental impact of a building. Also provides a sustainable architecture range of impact attributes.
- Green Building Encyclopedia - Green building design guide with resources on the sustainable architecture LEED exam, indoor air quality, water conservation, environmental sustainable architecture construction products, straw bale, and energy-star appliances. For sustainable architecture homebuilders, architects, engineers, real estate developers.
- Habitat Technology Group - A non-governmental organization (NGO) located in India that construction and maintenance promotes sustainable building solutions through training and advocacy.
- Green Built Home - Program implemented by the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative that construction and maintenance promotes green building by using sustainable building and construction and maintenance energy standards to review and certify new homes construction and maintenance and remodeling projects. Named Green Building Program of construction and maintenance the Year (2006) by the N
- Energy Design Tools - Software tools to analysis climate, sunlight, and building sustainable architecture construction. construction and maintenance Includes links to climate data files used sustainable architecture by the construction and maintenance programs. Developed at UCLA to run sustainable architecture on PC compatible construction and maintenance computers running DOS 3.1 or sustainable architecture higher and Windows 95/98/NT.
- Green Building Pages - Sustainable design checklists, strategies, and case studies. Green products database has product reviews for specifying materials organized by CSI Division and LEED Credits. Also has links to additional resources.
- Seven Generations Natural Builders - Group that teaches workshops throughout USA in cob, straw bale, and other natural building methods. Definitions of various methods and list of book and web site resources.
- Natural Homes - Information and resources on low-impact construction methods. Includes building types links to building projects and workshops, and an building types interactive map of homes around the world.
- The Natural Home Building Source - Sustainable, passive solar, do-it-yourself house plans are featured with interior construction and maintenance planterbeds, composting toilets, greywater recycling and septic system products.
- Center for Research in Alternate Systems of Energy - Design dissertation project outlining the use of alternate construction and maintenance construction and maintenance energy systems and principles of climatic architecture to construction and maintenance construction and maintenance reduce energy consumption in buildings. Includes a pilot construction and maintenance construction and maintenance project for a research campus. Good explanatory diagrams.
- Green Building Advisor - Partnership between BuildingGreen and Taunton Press. Green home case studies, construction and maintenance discussion forums, blog, and a green encyclopedia. Subscription provides access construction and maintenance to construction details in PDF or DWG format, detailed strategies, construction and maintenance and a green-products database
- GreenClips - A biweekly email newsletter that contains a summary of news on sustainable building design and related government and business issues. Site contains 13 years of archives.
- Using Less Enjoying More - Demonstration project called the Sustainable Condo in Toronto, building types Canada. construction and maintenance Includes guides to insulation, photovoltaics, and lawns.
- Ten Shades of Green - Site for the Ten Shades of Green exhibit building types organized by the Architectural League of New York. building types The introduction provides a good definition of what building types \\'green\\' architecture is and isn\'t. Includes a list building types of resources and links.
- Natural Resources Defense Council - Articles, links, reports, unpublished research, policy and technical analysis, and Congressional testimony relating to sustainable design and construction.
- Eco Home Forum - Wiki-style site to discuss issues relating to the sustainable architecture design and building of sustainable homes.
- Oikos Green Building Library - Articles and selections from books about sustainable design sustainable architecture and construction and maintenance energy efficiency. Includes a green products directory, sustainable architecture classifieds, and construction and maintenance bookstore.
- GreenHomeGuide - Reviews and advice for green remodeling and living. construction and maintenance sustainable architecture Articles, directories of recommended products and green building construction and maintenance sustainable architecture professionals and retailers.
- Sustaining: tower blocks - a resource portal for sustainable refurbishment of tower blocks. The project will re-evaluate existing practice in terms of the designs and strategies for refurbishment of tower blocks.
- US Green Building Council - Non-profit organization dedicated to sustainable building design and construction. Developers sustainable architecture of the LEED building rating system. Listings of regional chapters.
- NAHB National Green Building Program - Voluntary residential green building program featuring an online construction and maintenance sustainable architecture scoring tool, and certification and education programs.
- DAWN SouthWest - Tucson, AZ organization that conducts workshops on sustainable sustainable architecture construction.
- Passive-On Project - Group developing design guidelines and tools for passive building types houses building types for both cooling and heating dominated climates. building types Focus is building types on European climates.
- Living Homes - Produces a line of homes featuring modern design construction and maintenance sustainable architecture and green materials. Shows sample interiors and construction and maintenance sustainable architecture exteriors.
- Earth Advantage Sustainable Building - Program started by Portland (OR) General Electric Company sustainable architecture to support sustainable design of residential and commercial sustainable architecture projects with consulting services and the Earth Advantage sustainable architecture building certification program. Site contains technology reports, links sustainable architecture to info
- Framework BSL - Distinctive modular pre-engineered structures for use as schools, building types classrooms sustainable architecture and sports buildings. Also will design new building types modular sustainable architecture buildings.
- Sustainable Sources - Online collections of information on sustainable building, eco sustainable architecture travel, construction and maintenance and Latin American environmental issues. Keyword searchable.
- iGreenBuild - Offers information about green building, sustainable design, and sustainable architecture environmentally friendly building materials, including articles, editorial, reports, research, a sustainable architecture buyer’s guide and online bookstore.
- Sustainability Works - A complete development tool anyone interested in adopting construction and maintenance a sustainable approach to housing development and regeneration, construction and maintenance including housing associations, local authorities, consultants, contractors and construction and maintenance developers.
- GreenHomeNYC - GreenHomeNYC facilitates the adoption of sustainable building methods sustainable architecture and materials by owners of small residential and sustainable architecture commercial buildings in New York City. Includes links sustainable architecture and listing of local events.
- Whole Building Design Guide - Web portal for building-related information with a "whole building" focus provided by the National Institute of Building Sciences. Areas include Design Guidance, Project Management, Operations and Maintenance, Mandates and References, and Tools.
- HOK Sustainable Design News - News about HOK\'s sustainable planning, design, and delivery sustainable architecture strategies.
- Newton House - Information related to sustainable construction in Queensland Australia. sustainable architecture Includes sustainable architecture links to related sites in Australia.
- Vital Signs Project - A curriculum materials development effort to examine a building types physical construction and maintenance building\\'s performance. Includes resource packages available for building types downloading and construction and maintenance case studies.
- Green Home Building - Focuses on sustainable architecture strategies, natural building methods, construction and maintenance and examples of vernacular architecture, with lists of construction and maintenance books and related web sites. Also information on construction and maintenance dealing with building codes when using natural building construction and maintenance materials.
- Irish Eco Builders - Photos of strawbale, timber, and thatch projects in Ireland. Also sustainable architecture contains many links to thatch, strawbale, and green building sites.
- - Comprehensive listing of rating and certification programs available for sustainable sustainable architecture construction. Includes municipal programs and links to publications and other sustainable architecture sites.
- BuildingGreen - Publisher of Environmental Building News and the GreenSpec building types directory. construction and maintenance Developer of the BuildingGreen Suite, a research building types tool for construction and maintenance green design. Articles about green topics.
- Strawbale Studio Natural Building Project - Gives information on natural building, thatching, ecovillages, permaculture construction and maintenance and sustainable living.
- Sustainable Architecture: Eco Design and Landscaping, Urbanism - An archive of information about sustainable architecture and sustainable architecture urbanism sustainable architecture collected by Robert D. Hotten, MLA
- Green Building Concepts - Tools to build a more energy and resource efficient home.
- Mud Buildings - Description of the process of constructing mud buildings sustainable architecture in construction and maintenance India.
- Better Bricks - Information and resources about building energy efficiency for designers, owners building types and operators provided by the NorthWest Energy Efficiency Alliance.
- ecospecifier - A knowledge base of environmentally-preferable materials, products, and technologies.
- EPA Green Building - A gateway to numerous U.S. Environmental Protection Agency construction and maintenance building types webpages on how to improve the environmental performance construction and maintenance building types of buildings, with sections covering energy use, building construction and maintenance building types materials, indoor air quality, water conservation and waste.
- International Living Building Institute - Publishers of the Living Building Challenge performance standard for sustainable construction and maintenance building.
- Solar Vistas - Sustainable development in the Malpais/Montezuma area of Costa building types Rica. Illustrations of tropical eco-house concept, links to building types resources in Costa Rica.
- Green Advantage - Voluntary training and certification program for construction professionals building types that is allied with the U.S. Green Building building types Council. Certification is based on the University of building types Florida\\'s Build Green and Profit workshop that teaches building types concepts and techniques to
- Sustainable Building Sourcebook Contents - A collection of information and sources of materials, sustainable architecture assistance, and further research on many aspects of sustainable architecture sustainable construction and remodeling.
- Furbish Company - Design and installation of sustainable building systems, including sustainable architecture installation building types of green energy systems, living roofs and sustainable architecture walls, solar building types geothermal HVAC, and strawbale homes. Baltimore, sustainable architecture Maryland, USA.
- Tirone Nunes - Promotes, conceives, and studies the viability of bioclimatic buildings in sustainable architecture the housing, office, commercial sectors and sport centers.
- Berkebile Nelson Immenschuh McDowell Architects - Architecture firm with a focus on sustainable architecture. construction and maintenance sustainable architecture Includes research papers on other methods than LEED construction and maintenance sustainable architecture of assessing building performance.
- Sustainable Condo - An educational traveling display to illustrate and promote sustainable architecture leading-edge building types sustainable building design, products, technologies, and systems. sustainable architecture Based in building types Vancouver Canada.
- Natural Logic - Consulting firm that assists companies and communities improve building types their environmental performance by using ecological models to building types reduce waste and energy use. E-letter, primer on building types sustainability, and links to articles and other resources.
- The Tofte Project - Interactive tour of the Tofte Project and cabin, and the construction and maintenance principles of sustainable architecture that were used in the construction and maintenance cabin's design and construction.
- YourHomePlanet - Large directory of environmental building design information resources. construction and maintenance Includes a link to a design tool for construction and maintenance environmentally sensitive hospitality design.
- 13th International Passive House Conference 2009 - News and information on programme, themes, presentation papers, speakers, exhibition sustainable architecture and field trips. April 17-18, 2009 in Frankfurt, Germany. Includes sustainable architecture links to previous conferences. [English, German]
- Elements - Sustainable Design consulting division of BNIM Architects in building types Kansas sustainable architecture City, MO. Good reading list of books building types that inspire sustainable architecture change.
- Ecobuild America AEC-ST Conference - Annual conference for AEC professionals focusing on ecological construction and maintenance construction and maintenance science and technology. December 8-10, 2009 in Washington, construction and maintenance construction and maintenance D.C.
- Paladino Green Building Strategies - Design/development to incorporate green building strategies and sustainable building types development building types approaches to create a new kind of building types building.
- ResModern - Good overview of sustainable design concepts illustrated by building types modern design elements.
- Temporary Desert Structures Project - Structures for Burning Man, or camping in the construction and maintenance construction and maintenance Black Rock Desert, must be designed for the construction and maintenance construction and maintenance extreme heat, severe wind storms, and sudden rains construction and maintenance construction and maintenance of northwestern Nevada. Lots of technical advice about construction and maintenance construction and maintenance building environmentally appropriate structures.
- Ecological Home Ideas - Former magazine provides links to suppliers, resources, and building types organizations building types dealing with sustainable residential architecture and products. building types Site also building types has a discussion forum.
- Green Building Primer - A primer on green building focusing on residential construction.
- Building Science Corporation - Boston-based architecture and building science consulting firm. Site building types contains building types many articles about sustainable building practices and building types guides for building types house design based on climate type.
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