Reviews and Previews Advance Wars - Dual Strike Advance Wars Series Turn-Based
Preview, by David Smith: "modes include a story-driven campaign, a nonstop survival mode with more missions to clear, a trial mode for learning basic strategy, and a mysterious 'combat' mode that apparently uses the touch-screen interface in some fas
Top: Games: Video Games: Strategy: Turn-Based: Advance Wars Series: Advance Wars - Dual Strike: Reviews and Previews
- Nintendo World Report - Review by Lasse Pallesen, [9/10]. "If real warfare reviews and previews advance wars - dual strike was this much fun, we would all be reviews and previews advance wars - dual strike doomed."
- GameSpot - Preview, by Justin Calvert: "Advance Wars DS will boast all-new reviews and previews missions and a number of new CO characters, and the reviews and previews new battle system will see players using the bottom touch reviews and previews screen to issue orders to their ground forces while commanding reviews and previews their air for
- IGN - Review by Craig Harris, scoring 9/10: "the game advance wars series advance wars - dual strike offers an amazing series on single and multiplayer advance wars series advance wars - dual strike challenges". Includes screenshots, videos, and cheats.
- 1UP - Preview, by David Smith: "modes include a story-driven reviews and previews campaign, a nonstop survival mode with more missions reviews and previews to clear, a trial mode for learning basic reviews and previews strategy, and a mysterious \\'combat\\' mode that apparently reviews and previews uses the touch-screen interface in some fas
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