Hammers of Fate Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Heroes of Might and Magic Series Turn-Based

    Top: Games: Video Games: Strategy: Turn-Based: Heroes of Might and Magic Series: Heroes of Might and Magic 5: Hammers of Fate

See Also:
  • GameZone - Downloads, news, screenshots, and links.
  • GameSpot - Reviews, news, previews, images, links, and a forum.
  • IGN - Review, screenshots, and news.
  • Eurogamer - Review, by Kieron Gillen: "Hammers of Fate adds a lot heroes of might and magic 5 of material for HoMM5. But to warrant a better mark, heroes of might and magic 5 it would have to actually deal with the basic weaknesses heroes of might and magic 5 of the game." [Score: 4 out of 10]
  • GameSpy - Provides information, screenshots, and a review.

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