Weblogs Electronics Consumer Information
The weblog of John Federico, a professional marketer and business developer with a technological bent and an obsession with gadgets.
Top: Home: Consumer Information: Electronics: Weblogs
See Also:
- Electro Plankton - Tech, science, fashion, music and design. Focused electronics on cool electronics new products.
- Gadgetopia - A weblog discussing programming, Web design and usability, gadgetry, and random things found on the Web.
- Inluminent - Weblog about marketing, advertising, small business and technology, consumer information especially gadgets.
- Geekster.org - Geek topics, especially poker and electronics.
- Slippery Brick - Information and news about consumer electronics, gadgets and technology.
- Admin Spy - Electronic gadget news, especially computers, video, and gaming.
- TechEBlog - News and reviews, with pictures, of games, gadgets, and technology.
- Crave - Gadgets coverage by CNet Asia.
- Engadget - Technology gadget tips and reviews.
- Fosfor Gadgets - News and reviews of hot gadgets and consumer weblogs electronics.
- Gizmodo - An online review dedicated to gadgets, gizmos, and cutting-edge consumer consumer information electronics.
- Coated - A weblog that provides technology and gadget reviews.
- Crazy Gizmoz - Unique and often humorous technology gadgets.
- RealTechNews - Product reviews, opinions, news, and trends. Gadgets, weblogs biotechnology, and oddities.
- Robot Thoughts - Lego bricks, robots and up to the minute news for consumer information the robot community.
- The Gadget Blog - Gadget reviews -- both computer and otherwise -- weblogs news, and weblogs technical specifications.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - About all things related to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), drones, electronics micro aircraft and remote controlled aircraft .
- GearCrave - Weblog showcasing electronics and home furnishings, with an electronics emphasis on weblogs design.
- Pocketables - In-depth reviews and news about consumer electronics and portable gadgets written by a female user/owner of said devices.
- Mobati - Providing news on VoIP, wifi, and handheld devices.
- Geek it Yourself - Blog offering tech-focused how-to tips.
- Devicepedia - Consumer gadgets with a media orientation.
- PMP Today - Weblog about portable media player products.
- Chip Chick - Tech and gadgets from a girl's perspective.
- The Uber-Review - Reviews of gadgets, especially electronic or online. With consumer information photographs.
- GadgetGrid - Weblog about gadgets, especially those for the home.
- Popgadget - Group blog covering personal tech for women or weblogs reviewed from electronics a woman's point of view.
- Trendy Gadget - High-volume weblog about electronics and gadgets.
- BrandBrains - The weblog of John Federico, a professional marketer and business developer with a technological bent and an obsession with gadgets.
- Hi Fi Writer Blog - Stephen Dawson provides information on home entertainment equipment and software, electronics often from an Australian and Asian product line perspective.
- Cutie Gadget - Weblog about gadgets deemed cute.
- eHomeUpgrade - A news weblog about home networks and home consumer information electronics.
- Mobile & Technology News - Weblog about a variety of personal gadgets.
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